Why care about excess heat, if you can have excess metal… in the tons...
C.R. Narayanaswamy has decided to go public with extraordinary data observed between 1985 and 1999 since the company at which the observations were made, Silcal Metallurgic Ltd., has since ceased trading. He is interested to see if any other Ferro Silicon alloy manufacturers have observed similar anomalies.
In the submitted abstract he says:
“The author had been observing puzzling anomalous excess metal yields in the range of 200 Kg to 400 Kg right from 1985 onwards.”
“During a eleven week period in early 1995, the furnace was operated at a rating of about 8.75 MVA with corresponding daily power consumption of around 1,68,000 kWh per day, sustaining an average daily production of 24.75 tons of Ferro-Silicon alloy of 73.8 − 74% Si content. The typical daily consumption of raw materials during this period was (a) Quartz 32.955 tons; after accounting for its purity of 98.73%, and the chemical composition of Quartz (Si02) the Silicon metal component in the input works out to 15.379 tons. (b) Daily iron consumption was 5.1 tons. Thus the total weight of daily input of Si and Fe was 20.479 tons. However throughout the 11 week period the average daily production of Fe-Si alloy was 24.75 tons, indicating a daily “excess metal” production of 4.25 tons. The product alloy was found to consistently contain 73.8% to 74.1 % of Silicon. A corresponding reduction of the quantum of C02 released to the atmosphere was also noted.”
and more weirdness
“Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project October 2 ·
Why care about excess heat, if you can have excess metal… in the tons...
C.R. Narayanaswamy has decided to go public with extraordinary data observed between 1985 and 1999 since the company at which the observations were made, Silcal Metallurgic Ltd., has since ceased trading. He is interested to see if any other Ferro Silicon alloy manufacturers have observed similar anomalies.
In the submitted abstract he says:
“The author had been observing puzzling anomalous excess metal yields in the range of 200 Kg to 400 Kg right from 1985 onwards.”
“During a eleven week period in early 1995, the furnace was operated at a rating of about 8.75 MVA with corresponding daily power consumption of around 1,68,000 kWh per day, sustaining an average daily production of 24.75 tons of Ferro-Silicon alloy of 73.8 − 74% Si content. The typical daily consumption of raw materials during this period was (a) Quartz 32.955 tons; after accounting for its purity of 98.73%, and the chemical composition of Quartz (Si02) the Silicon metal component in the input works out to 15.379 tons. (b) Daily iron consumption was 5.1 tons. Thus the total weight of daily input of Si and Fe was 20.479 tons. However throughout the 11 week period the average daily production of Fe-Si alloy was 24.75 tons, indicating a daily “excess metal” production of 4.25 tons. The product alloy was found to consistently contain 73.8% to 74.1 % of Silicon. A corresponding reduction of the quantum of C02 released to the atmosphere was also noted.”