I only have third-hand information, but I heard that in Occupy the constant “privilege checking” and “you came here to fight the rich 1%, but now we will educate you that the true enemy is patriarchy, and the first step is that the white cis het males must shut up” actually drove away many participants.
They frequently did get logjammed. They lost power compared to a year ago. They didn’t get policy changes.
I don’t think they even got them via state legislatures.
Public spending would be less without the sequester the caused. They also prevent tax increases.
They are likely to get more laws passed with Trump in the White House.
I only have third-hand information, but I heard that in Occupy the constant “privilege checking” and “you came here to fight the rich 1%, but now we will educate you that the true enemy is patriarchy, and the first step is that the white cis het males must shut up” actually drove away many participants.