but if you’ve come in contact with 5 in your time at college… There’s still lots
Given that a couple were taken and a couple were incompatible for various other reasons, that I expect a higher proportion of guys to be taken as I get older, and that I will never be in such a high-density environment again… I really don’t think 1 real prospect every couple of years, who may or may not work out as an actual relationship, is a high hit rate at all. Certainly not high enough that I would ever consider someone I was in a successful relationship with to be “easily replaceable.”
I have a hard time seeing people as replaceable, much less easially. Even between two people who fit some abstracted ideal, one won’t replace another. Leaving that aside though, I think that the difficulty is more in finding the people who fit that ideal than their actual existence.
(Though this graph from The Case For An Older Woman on OkTrends suggests otherwise—but I’m not sure a 40-year-old single guy is as likely to be on OkCupid as a 20-year-old one is.)
That’s not accurate; did you mean 13/10000?
Given that a couple were taken and a couple were incompatible for various other reasons, that I expect a higher proportion of guys to be taken as I get older, and that I will never be in such a high-density environment again… I really don’t think 1 real prospect every couple of years, who may or may not work out as an actual relationship, is a high hit rate at all. Certainly not high enough that I would ever consider someone I was in a successful relationship with to be “easily replaceable.”
Thanks, fixed.
I have a hard time seeing people as replaceable, much less easially. Even between two people who fit some abstracted ideal, one won’t replace another. Leaving that aside though, I think that the difficulty is more in finding the people who fit that ideal than their actual existence.
xkcd: Dating Pools
(Though this graph from The Case For An Older Woman on OkTrends suggests otherwise—but I’m not sure a 40-year-old single guy is as likely to be on OkCupid as a 20-year-old one is.)