I can’t imagine any guy saying to his wife, “I love you. You’re great. But you know, there are probably a good handful of people I’ve met in my life who I could have grown to love the way that I love you if I really got to know them. And there’s probably many more people in this world who I could have grown to love the way I love you if I got to know them well enough. In fact, there are probably people in the world that I would be more compatible with than I am with you. You’re great, but you’re not the only one in this universe that is capable of providing me with what you provide me. That doesn’t mean that I want to break up with you. I’m content with what you provide me, and I think that you’re pretty good. The point is just that you probably aren’t the best, and that you probably aren’t the only one. Absolutes are rarely true.”
My point is that it isn’t acceptable for parties to relationships to admit/accept these truths.
I agree that it has some bad connotations, but you could override those connotations by saying that you don’t mean anything further than what you explicitly said.
I can’t either, but not because those things are false.
My point is that it isn’t acceptable for parties to relationships to admit/accept these truths.
I agree that it has some bad connotations, but you could override those connotations by saying that you don’t mean anything further than what you explicitly said.