When I think about it, I come to the conclusion that I’m always trying to optimize my happiness.
Optimizing it keeping what constant? I mean, in the prisoner’s dilemma what optimizes your score for a given strategy of your opponent is to defect, but if you and your opponent both do that you get a worse score than if you both cooperated.
You know, when I was a kid I was the first to decry the “Click here” syndrome, but now that I’ve grown ‘old’ I’ve succumbed to it myself out of laziness.
Optimizing it keeping what constant? I mean, in the prisoner’s dilemma what optimizes your score for a given strategy of your opponent is to defect, but if you and your opponent both do that you get a worse score than if you both cooperated.
Romance can be similar. See the xkcd comic “Drama”. (See also “Objective Versus Intersubjective Truth” by Nick Szabo.)
Wouldn’t you please post such insightful links not in braces and without proper title but like this:
Objective Versus Intersubjective Truth; by Szabo
Had I not clicked out of sheer curiosity on that link I would missed it. It should be made into a top level post really.
You know, when I was a kid I was the first to decry the “Click here” syndrome, but now that I’ve grown ‘old’ I’ve succumbed to it myself out of laziness.