And, second, the agent will continually implement that plan, even if this makes it locally choose counter-preferentially at some future node.
Nitpick: IIRC, McClennen never talks about counter-preferential choice. Rather, that’s Gauthier’s (1997) approach to resoluteness.
as devised by Bryan Skyrms and Gerald Rothfus (cf Rothfus 2020b).
Found a typo: it is supposed to be Gerard. (It is also misspelt in the reference list.)
Thanks Sylvester; fixed!
Nitpick: IIRC, McClennen never talks about counter-preferential choice. Rather, that’s Gauthier’s (1997) approach to resoluteness.
Found a typo: it is supposed to be Gerard. (It is also misspelt in the reference list.)
Thanks Sylvester; fixed!