Pivotal act does not have to be something sudden, drastic and illegal as in second link. It can be a gradual process of making society intolerant to unsafe(er) AI experiments and research, giving better understanding on why AI can be dangerous and what it can lead to, making people more tolerant and aligned with each other, etc. Which could starve rogue companies from workforce and resources, and ideally shut them down. I think work in that direction can be accelerated by AI and other informational technologies we have even now.
Pivotal act does not have to be something sudden, drastic and illegal as in second link. It can be a gradual process of making society intolerant to unsafe(er) AI experiments and research, giving better understanding on why AI can be dangerous and what it can lead to, making people more tolerant and aligned with each other, etc. Which could starve rogue companies from workforce and resources, and ideally shut them down. I think work in that direction can be accelerated by AI and other informational technologies we have even now.
Question is, do we have the time for “gradual”.