Psy-Kosh and I are exploring Alice Springs, seeing if you really can make money in Australia. We have harassed all the local restaurants and bars but they say they have no jobs at the moment. I’m making enough to pay the bills at a local fast-food joint, but Psy-Kosh has scruples about serving meat.
I am currently looking for a fruit/vegetable picking as it would:
Pay enough to allow me to make a profit.
Enable me to renew my visa in a year.
Be compatible with Psy-Kosh’s ethics.
But even this is a challenge. I may migrate to Darwin or Katherine, where I’ve heard farm jobs are more plentiful.
Australians themselves don’t see decently-paying jobs just fall from the sky, so it’s not clear why you thought you would without research comparable to that a local would have put in.
Australians themselves don’t see decently-paying jobs just fall from the sky, so it’s not clear why you thought you would without research comparable to that a local would have put in.
We certainly wouldn’t expect to find a decently-paying job in the middle of the desert in a locale with nothing but a minor tourist industry.
While I appreciate it, you’re only bound to follow my ethics to the extent that the ethics themselves are binding ethics, if you get what I’m saying. (ie, the mere fact that they’re my ethics doesn’t obligate you. But again, I do appreciate it. ^_^
Psy-Kosh and I are exploring Alice Springs, seeing if you really can make money in Australia. We have harassed all the local restaurants and bars but they say they have no jobs at the moment. I’m making enough to pay the bills at a local fast-food joint, but Psy-Kosh has scruples about serving meat.
I am currently looking for a fruit/vegetable picking as it would:
Pay enough to allow me to make a profit.
Enable me to renew my visa in a year.
Be compatible with Psy-Kosh’s ethics.
But even this is a challenge. I may migrate to Darwin or Katherine, where I’ve heard farm jobs are more plentiful.
Australians themselves don’t see decently-paying jobs just fall from the sky, so it’s not clear why you thought you would without research comparable to that a local would have put in.
Except for the Hayabusa retrieval teams.
We certainly wouldn’t expect to find a decently-paying job in the middle of the desert in a locale with nothing but a minor tourist industry.
Well aren’t you smart.
While I appreciate it, you’re only bound to follow my ethics to the extent that the ethics themselves are binding ethics, if you get what I’m saying. (ie, the mere fact that they’re my ethics doesn’t obligate you. But again, I do appreciate it. ^_^
I meant I was looking for something you could do if they hospitality stuff doesn’t work out. ;)
Well then, doubly thank you. :)