There are people I can talk to, where all of the following statements are obvious. They go without saying. We can just “be reasonable” together, with the context taken for granted.
And then there are people who…don’t seem to be on the same page at all.
This is saying, through framing, “If you do not agree with the following, you are unreasonable; you would be among those who do not understand What Goes Without Saying, those ‘who…don’t seem to be on the same page at all.’.” I noticed this caused an internal pressure towards agreeing at first, before even knowing what the post wanted me to agree with.
This is saying, through framing, “If you do not agree with the following, you are unreasonable; you would be among those who do not understand What Goes Without Saying, those ‘who…don’t seem to be on the same page at all.’.” I noticed this caused an internal pressure towards agreeing at first, before even knowing what the post wanted me to agree with.