Gogo LessWrong team! The experience and the potential publicity will be excellent.
I’ll chip in with a prize to the amount of ($1000 / team’s rank in the final contest), donated to the party of your choice. Team must be identified as “LessWrong” or suchlike to be eligible.
This sounds like a wonderful opportunity for anyone interested to promote Lesswrong and themselves as well as give to a good cause like SIAI/other worthy charity! We should really bring this to people’s attention.
It also sounds like an excellent test of applied rationality.
Gogo LessWrong team! The experience and the potential publicity will be excellent.
I’ll chip in with a prize to the amount of ($1000 / team’s rank in the final contest), donated to the party of your choice. Team must be identified as “LessWrong” or suchlike to be eligible.
This sounds like a wonderful opportunity for anyone interested to promote Lesswrong and themselves as well as give to a good cause like SIAI/other worthy charity! We should really bring this to people’s attention.
It also sounds like an excellent test of applied rationality.