‘Facing the Singularity’ podcast
My online mini-book Facing the Singularity now has a podcast. Ratings and reviews on iTunes will be much appreciated, so as to direct people toward a rationality-informed approach to intelligence explosion.
Jaan Tallinn has been passing my chapters around to people because they are concise explanations of key lemmas in the standard arguments on the need for Friendly AI. This is gratifying because it’s exactly the purpose for which I’m writing them, and I encourage others to send people to these chapters as well.
(I’m currently writing the final two chapters of the online book and recording readings of the other chapters for the podcast. A volunteer is doing the audio editing.)
Maybe this is just a personal problem, since I don’t generally use iTunes, but the numerical ordering doesn’t seem to gel with the named numbers (that is chapter 2 was listed as 1, Ch 3 was 2, and Ch1 was 3). Also, does anyone know a way to get podcasts without using iTunes?
Still listening… audio quality is good, voice is conversational (not monotone), talking speed is generally good (though when listing things, it can be a bit overwhelmingly fast for someone who isn’t at a computer or can’t easily skip backwards). But I suppose that’s why there’s also the mini-book, so that’s not a real concern… They are short and sweet.
At first I thought the ending music was from DJ Shadow’s You Can’t Go Home Again, which I thought was fitting and proper. Then I used my phone to find out (using SoundHound), and discovered it was Ben Frost’s Theory of Machines, which makes even more sense. Nice choice, and now I have some new music to discover!
Rated. Reviewed.
The non-iTunes RSS is here.
No link, brah.
How long does this podcast take to record compared to the editing involved in an episode of CPBD?
I don’t edit these episodes I only record them, so I don’t know how long the editing takes.
The link is broken. Could you please provide a new one?
It no longer exists, sorry.
Are you sure it’s legally safe to use that Mass Effect image, especially for this?
If there is a problem, someone will just ask him to take it down and there will be no other consequences.
Are you planning to put these up on Youtube in any form?
You may want to update the title and content of this post with the new name (“Facing the Intelligence Explosion”) and URL.