It’s not really workable to say “oh yeah, I can keep secrets, I keep so many secrets, like for example,” so I tend to describe my surface area—things like “sometimes my literate three year old looks at my screen and asks me what a phrase means in front of the contents of my living room, I’m not good at not laughing at things I read if they’re funny, I consider it morally wrong to lie and am not volunteering to do it anyway for you but am good at deflecting with the truth so cannot guarantee to conceal the existence of a secret but can decline to elaborate on it to inquisitors, if it seems to me like it legitimately concerns a third party I would try to ask you first but if it were time sensitive might make a judgment call and can take into account whatever you’d like to say now about that eventuality, given all this do you want to tell me?”
It’s not really workable to say “oh yeah, I can keep secrets, I keep so many secrets, like for example,” so I tend to describe my surface area—things like “sometimes my literate three year old looks at my screen and asks me what a phrase means in front of the contents of my living room, I’m not good at not laughing at things I read if they’re funny, I consider it morally wrong to lie and am not volunteering to do it anyway for you but am good at deflecting with the truth so cannot guarantee to conceal the existence of a secret but can decline to elaborate on it to inquisitors, if it seems to me like it legitimately concerns a third party I would try to ask you first but if it were time sensitive might make a judgment call and can take into account whatever you’d like to say now about that eventuality, given all this do you want to tell me?”
Yeah, that all sounds about right.