NOTE: Location details are now being listed for these meetups.
I encourage anyone who wants to do something in particular at the meetup to respond to this post.
If you want to receive email about future events, or be added to the email thread for this one, let me know. (My email is nwalton125 at gmail dot com.)
If you want to tell people that you are going, you can comment on this post. I feel like this encourages more people to attend. (But don’t want people to overstate their confidence of coming either.)
Portland Slate Star Codex Meetup 11/10/19
NOTE: Location details are now being listed for these meetups.
I encourage anyone who wants to do something in particular at the meetup to respond to this post.
If you want to receive email about future events, or be added to the email thread for this one, let me know. (My email is nwalton125 at gmail dot com.)
If you want to tell people that you are going, you can comment on this post. I feel like this encourages more people to attend. (But don’t want people to overstate their confidence of coming either.)
I plan to be at this one. Hope to see you there.