I havent signed up yet because at my age (31) my annual unexpected chance of death is low in comparison to my level of uncertainty about the different options, especially with whole brain plasticization possibly becoming viable in the near future (which would be much cheaper and probably have a higher future success rate ).
You could sign up for cryonics now and then switch to brain plasticization if and when it becomes available and is expected to be more effective.
I am not sure how easy it is to reduce your life insurance when switching to a cheaper method, but the possibility is worth looking into if you are worried that you might pay more than you had to.
yes 2. yes 3 sort of 4 yes 5 yes 6 yes
I havent signed up yet because at my age (31) my annual unexpected chance of death is low in comparison to my level of uncertainty about the different options, especially with whole brain plasticization possibly becoming viable in the near future (which would be much cheaper and probably have a higher future success rate ).
There are quite many people that think like that. (Me being one atm.) Problem is, a few of us are wrong.
You could sign up for cryonics now and then switch to brain plasticization if and when it becomes available and is expected to be more effective.
I am not sure how easy it is to reduce your life insurance when switching to a cheaper method, but the possibility is worth looking into if you are worried that you might pay more than you had to.