Many people who signal acceptance of death appear to genuinely go peacefully and happily—that is, even to the moment of dying they don’t seem motivated to avoid death. If this is standard, then I can expect to go my entire life without regretting the choice not to sign up for cryonics at any moment. After I die, I will be dead, and not regretting anything. So I expect to go all of eternity without regretting a decision not to sign up for cryonics. This leaves me little reason to overcome my inherent dismotivation to get it.
[Bold added myself]
Is it accurate to say what I bolded? I know technically it’s true, but only because there isn’t any you to be doing the regretting. Death isn’t so much a state [like how I used to picture sitting in the ground for eternity] as much as simple non-existence [which is much harder to grasp, at least for me] And if you have no real issues not existing at a future point, why do you attempt to prolong your existence now? I don’t mean for this to be rude; I’m just curious as to why you would want to keep yourself around now if you’re not willing to stay around as long as life is still enjoyable.
On a fair note, I have not signed up for cryonics, but that’s mostly because I’m a college student with a lack of serious income.
[Bold added myself]
Is it accurate to say what I bolded? I know technically it’s true, but only because there isn’t any you to be doing the regretting. Death isn’t so much a state [like how I used to picture sitting in the ground for eternity] as much as simple non-existence [which is much harder to grasp, at least for me] And if you have no real issues not existing at a future point, why do you attempt to prolong your existence now? I don’t mean for this to be rude; I’m just curious as to why you would want to keep yourself around now if you’re not willing to stay around as long as life is still enjoyable.
On a fair note, I have not signed up for cryonics, but that’s mostly because I’m a college student with a lack of serious income.