Most leftists … believe we can all agree on what crops to grow (what social values to have [2])
Whose slogan is “family values”, again?
and pull out and burn the weeds of nostalgia, counter-revolution, and the bourgeoisie
Or the weeds of revolution, hippies, and trade unions...
Conservatives view their own society the way environmentalists view the environment: as a complex organism best not lightly tampered with. They’re skeptical of the ability of new policies to do what they’re supposed to do, especially a whole bunch of new policies all enacted at once.
Bunch of new policies like War on Drugs, for example?
Whose slogan is “family values”, again?
Or the weeds of revolution, hippies, and trade unions...
Bunch of new policies like War on Drugs, for example?
I think the conservative attitude towards those things is more likely the environmentalist attitude towards invasive species.