You might also want to try to just strip the formatting within Open Office. I use LibreOffice, which is the successor to OO, so the instructions might be slightly different. With LO, you just select all (ctrl + a), then click on the format option (alt + o), then the first option on the list is called Default Formatting. This strips the size, color, bold, italics, underline, and probably a bunch of other things. Alternately, you might want to try just using ctrl + m. That seems to do the entire process in one keystroke.
You might also want to try to just strip the formatting within Open Office. I use LibreOffice, which is the successor to OO, so the instructions might be slightly different. With LO, you just select all (ctrl + a), then click on the format option (alt + o), then the first option on the list is called Default Formatting. This strips the size, color, bold, italics, underline, and probably a bunch of other things. Alternately, you might want to try just using ctrl + m. That seems to do the entire process in one keystroke.