Since the elements of the empty set satisfy arbitrary properties, all the examples you provided are technically evidence in favor for your observation. Also, against it.
Heh <3
It’s hard to find this kind of humor anywhere else than LW and XKCD.
Actually, SMBC comics tends to be better than either.
We have some XKCD fans here, I see.
Well, I think it used to be way better than it is now.
Since the elements of the empty set satisfy arbitrary properties, all the examples you provided are technically evidence in favor for your observation. Also, against it.
Heh <3
It’s hard to find this kind of humor anywhere else than LW and XKCD.
Actually, SMBC comics tends to be better than either.
We have some XKCD fans here, I see.
Well, I think it used to be way better than it is now.