We already knew her ability to “speak the truth” made her able to build unusually strong alliances. But this is even cooler.
Usually, when someone writes one of these “all is lost, but then by sheer force of awesomeness/will the hero overcomes it” it’s pretty implausible, but I totally believe this one!
Also, it makes total sense that some of the Volturi’s vampire witches would have a good amount of influence over what happens. Is this the tip of the iceberg; are we going to see more like Addy? It makes sense that if at any point Elspeth wants to change the Volturi status quo, she’d do it cooperatively, not all on her own like Bella.
I really want to see what Elspeth can get her power to do. (Is Magic, the pseudo-personal entity, actually running Elspeth’s powers? Or is Magic just some kind of personification and Elspeth in control?)
Best. Superpower. Ever.
We already knew her ability to “speak the truth” made her able to build unusually strong alliances. But this is even cooler.
Usually, when someone writes one of these “all is lost, but then by sheer force of awesomeness/will the hero overcomes it” it’s pretty implausible, but I totally believe this one!
Also, it makes total sense that some of the Volturi’s vampire witches would have a good amount of influence over what happens. Is this the tip of the iceberg; are we going to see more like Addy? It makes sense that if at any point Elspeth wants to change the Volturi status quo, she’d do it cooperatively, not all on her own like Bella.
I really want to see what Elspeth can get her power to do. (Is Magic, the pseudo-personal entity, actually running Elspeth’s powers? Or is Magic just some kind of personification and Elspeth in control?)