Since recently reading The Power of Now, which thoroughly and viscerally describes the perspective in which track-back would be harmful (because it distracts from the now), I want to elaborate on this some more.
Tho Power of Now did something interesting to my moment-to-moment awareness, but at least in the short term, it seemed to wreck my productivity. Returning to the track-back movement rather than the “now” type movement seems to help bring me back quite a bit.
No moment exists in isolation; anything which you can mentally label as a moment is an extended moment. Furthermore, although you can cultivate what feels like heightened states of awareness (as in The Power of Now), the only way to verify awareness is by checking whether you perceive more detail, and remember more accurately. To simultaneously be the observer and the observed is an illusion; you are always only observing a previous self, even if the delay is very slight.
So, checking whether you can remember what happened in your head over the past few seconds is a check of awareness. Furthermore, Shinzen Young suggests that awareness after-the-fact is in some sense as good for your practice, and more compatible with intellectual work. Furthermore, I find that paying attention to the train of thought/feeling which led to distraction is really helpful for maintaining focus and motivation.
I’m phrasing this as in opposition to “being in the now”, but, I’m not sure to what extent I really mean that. I do think I learned things from The Power of Now; and, I’m not deeply experienced in either style.
I looked earlier at The Power of Now before, but decided not to buy it because in the Amazon preview of the first few pages, there weren’t any Gears. Are there more gears later? Or does it live up to its promise in the introduction to use words loosely and be primarily a guide for intuition?
The Mind Illuminated is a 484-page textbook, organized by what should be useful to know at various stages of meditation. It’s full of gears. For example, it gives increasingly complete models of the mind as you progress. I sure hope the gears are accurate; I suspect it will become more obvious whether they are or not later in my practice.
I’m trying to understand your comments. I’m going to try to phrase them in the terminology of The Mind Illuminated, if that works. (It’s also possible that these two books have conflicting models of the mind, rendering any attempted translation moot.)
Attention is when you focus on one thing in particular. It tends to isolate that thing, and be analytical. It is more “self” centered.
Peripheral Awareness, or “awareness” for short, tends to take in a whole sensory field at once (e.g. everything you’re seeing), is more contextual and involves less analysis, and is less personal and more objective.
Both attention and awareness can be introspective, centered on your thoughts and feelings, or extrospective, centered on your external senses (e.g., hearing or seeing, but not thinking).
As some examples of this terminology (that I hope I’m getting right):
Typical mindfulness meditation involves focusing your attention on your breath. The Mind Illuminated says that it’s important to also allow awareness to all of your senses as you do this, but this hasn’t been clear to me from other sources.
When you take in a scene, your attention is on particular part of it (e.g., the orange band around the setting sun), while your awareness is taking in the rest of the scene (the sky and trees). That is, for a few seconds until you get distracted.
When your mind wanders, your attention is on your train of thoughts, and you have no awareness. That is, your attention is introspective.
When you are performing trace-back meditation, your attention is also introspective, but it is focused on the memory of your past thoughts. (Though it’s probably more complicated than this: for example, you’re probably doing a mix of remembering past thoughts and thinking in the present “and what could have led to that?”.)
It sounds like in your comment, you’re saying one of these two things:
If you mentally label a moment as such, or try to verify your awareness (attention?) by checking to see whether you perceive more detail, then you must be thinking about that moment (as in, your inner voice is narrating and analyzing the moment). This can only happen after the fact, so you are no longer in that moment.
If you mentally label a moment as such, or try to verify your awareness by checking to see whether you perceive more detail, then your attention must be on that moment (as in, there is no inner voice, but you are noticing some particular part of the moment, seemingly in the present). This can only happen after the fact, so you are no longer in that moment.
If it’s the latter, the “checking in” technique on page 103 of The Mind Illuminated seems relevant:
The second part of cultivating introspective awareness involves checking in using introspective attention. Instead of waiting for introspective awareness to arise spontaneously, as you’ve done until now, you intentionally turn your attention inward to see what’s happening in the mind. Doing this check-in requires longer periods of stable attention. That’s why following and connecting [other techniques, just introduced] are so important at this Stage. These techniques give you more stable attention, making it easier to momentarily shift attention and see what’s happening in the mind.
Yes, checking in disrupts your focus on the breath, but when you pause to reflect on everything happening in your mind, attention needs to shift. At this Stage, this is not only completely okay, it’s actually the key to cultivating introspective awareness. What you’re really doing is training and strengthening introspective awareness by using attention, making awareness of the mind’s activity a habit. Remember from the First Interlude that peripheral awareness filters through an enormous amount of information and selects what’s relevant for attention. But attention also trains peripheral awareness to know which things are important. [...] In this case, if you take attentive interest in what’s happening in your mind, in particular whether or not gross distractions are present, you’re training awareness to alert you to their presence. [...]
In the next stage, however, you learn to phase out checking-in (i.e., introspective attention), which necessarily shifts your attention, in favor of introspective awareness. So this book is saying that you aren’t stuck at always appreciating your mind’s activity in the past. But doing so is a necessary stepping stone to appreciating it in the present. (One that I’m not ready for yet.)
The Power of Now did something interesting to my moment-to-moment awareness, but at least in the short term, it seemed to wreck my productivity.
I would expect it to decrease your attention and increase your peripheral awareness. And more specifically to decrease your attention on thoughts, and increase your peripheral awareness of external senses. Does that sound right? Something like this has happened to me in the past, so I may know what you’re talking about. Fortunately, it’s way easier to shift things back toward attention. Talking or thinking will do it; a thinking-heavy video game (hello Factorio) is very efficient IIRC. I can imagine track-back meditation being especially good at that too, as you say.
Left at this, it seems like a pretty bad trade-off: for me at least, attention on abstract thoughts is way more important to what I do than awareness of senses. But:
The Mind Illuminated says that meditation should give your more total attention+awareness, and eventually let you consciously balance the two as appropriate. It may take a while, though.
From my past experience, when I had more awareness I felt like I was way worse at things. I noticed every time I forgot something, and saw lots of dumb thoughts. But it seems likely to me now that that’s just how things have always been, and that was one of the few times I was aware of it. Do you say your productivity was worse because you actually got fewer things done, or just because you noticed lots of awkward gaps and tangents that might’ve always been there, previously unnoticed?
The goal of mindfulness might be interpreted in different ways
The goal? The Mind Illuminated has a dozen different goals for the various stages. Overall, it says:
The two main objectives of meditation practice are:
Developing stable attention.
Cultivating powerful mindfulness that optimizes the interaction between attention and awareness.
From my past experience, when I had more awareness I felt like I was way worse at things. I noticed every time I forgot something, and saw lots of dumb thoughts. But it seems likely to me now that that’s just how things have always been, and that was one of the few times I was aware of it. Do you say your productivity was worse because you actually got fewer things done, or just because you noticed lots of awkward gaps and tangents that might’ve always been there, previously unnoticed?
I got less done.
The Power of Now is not very gears-y. It does get a litte gears-y when it talks about concrete practices which aim to help you live in the now, but only a little. You have to fill in gears. I generated very charitable interpretations as I was reading. it. It’s definitely a soft skills book.
It sounds like in your comment, you’re saying one of these two things:
The comment you’re referring to was making a more philosophical point that moments are only meaningful in their connection to other moments. I could have made the same point by pointing out that there is always a delay from when one neuron fires to when another fires in response. I was pushing against the strong Now-ish ontology in the power of now. Nonetheless, you response is not irrelevant, because part of what I was claiming was that one should do something much like “checking in” as you describe it, in order to see whether they were really conscious/aware/attentive of what was happening in the previous moment.
I would expect it to decrease your attention and increase your peripheral awareness. And more specifically to decrease your attention on thoughts, and increase your peripheral awareness of external senses. Does that sound right?
I think this is part of it, but another part of it is that The Power of Now recommends something like directly facing your suffering in order to transmute it into consciousness. This led me to nonlinguistically focus on any distracting feelings such as not wanting to be doing what I was doing and wanting to procrastinate instead. This was somewhat interesting, but disruptive of productivity.
I think this is part of it, but another part of it is that The Power of Now recommends something like directly facing your suffering in order to transmute it into consciousness.
The Mind Illuminated recommends the same thing. Its model is that the suffering from pain actually comes from your aversion to the pain, rather than the pain itself, and that putting your attention on the sensation itself tends to improve matters. Can confirm that stubbing my toe while not meditating involves cussing, while stubbing my toe while meditating involves my attention going to a particularly interesting sensation in my toe for a little while.
Aversion is… a “negative mental state involving judgement, reject, and denial. Includes hatred, anger, resentment, dissatisfaction, criticism, impatience, self-accusation, and boredom”. As to weather a “mental state” the same or different from an “emotion”, and if different what the difference is, I have no idea.
This led me to nonlinguistically focus on any distracting feelings such as not wanting to be doing what I was doing and wanting to procrastinate instead. This was somewhat interesting, but disruptive of productivity.
Thinking about your framing from TMI, perhaps I’m supposed to put my awareness but not my attention on the distracting thoughts. The reason it is tempting to do more than this is to “fully integrate the part of me that wants to not be doing this”—IE, put full awareness onto it to dialogue with it, and decide what I really want to do with the fullness of what I want right now.
In your experience, is it enough to have awareness on the stubbed toe, or is it necessary to put attention on it? You describe your attention going to the toe.
For the stubbed toe, attention is definitely required. However, the mind sense is very different from the other senses. If I understand correctly, if you have attention but not awareness on your thoughts, that is thinking. And I don’t know about you, but I personally have little mind awareness. (If I had more, I could notice that I was thinking thoughts before my mind wanders off while meditating, but I only ever notice after I’ve caught it.) The Mind Illuminated says that I’m going to develop more mind awareness in Stage 4, which I’m not at yet.
Anyhow, that was a tangent. The Mind Illuminated has a table of seven mental problems that might get in your way of meditating, and what to do about them. It sounds like yours is most similar to “procrastination and resistance to practicing”, for which you are supposed to “Frequently recall the benefits of practice [in your case, your work], constantly refresh and renew your motivation, and ‘just do it’. See Stage one.” So, no special meditative solutions here, just ordinary ones.
I think there’s some looseness in the Mind Illuminated ontology around this point, but I would say: thinking involves attention on an abstract concept. When attention and/or awareness are on a thought, that’s metacognitive attention and/or awareness. For example, if I’m trying to work on an intellectual task but start thinking about food, my attention has moved from the task to food. Specifically my attention might be on a specific possibility for dinner, or on a set of possibilities. If I have no metacognitive awareness, then I’m lost in the thought; my attention is not on the thought, it’s on the food.
Since recently reading The Power of Now, which thoroughly and viscerally describes the perspective in which track-back would be harmful (because it distracts from the now), I want to elaborate on this some more.
Tho Power of Now did something interesting to my moment-to-moment awareness, but at least in the short term, it seemed to wreck my productivity. Returning to the track-back movement rather than the “now” type movement seems to help bring me back quite a bit.
No moment exists in isolation; anything which you can mentally label as a moment is an extended moment. Furthermore, although you can cultivate what feels like heightened states of awareness (as in The Power of Now), the only way to verify awareness is by checking whether you perceive more detail, and remember more accurately. To simultaneously be the observer and the observed is an illusion; you are always only observing a previous self, even if the delay is very slight.
So, checking whether you can remember what happened in your head over the past few seconds is a check of awareness. Furthermore, Shinzen Young suggests that awareness after-the-fact is in some sense as good for your practice, and more compatible with intellectual work. Furthermore, I find that paying attention to the train of thought/feeling which led to distraction is really helpful for maintaining focus and motivation.
I’m phrasing this as in opposition to “being in the now”, but, I’m not sure to what extent I really mean that. I do think I learned things from The Power of Now; and, I’m not deeply experienced in either style.
I looked earlier at The Power of Now before, but decided not to buy it because in the Amazon preview of the first few pages, there weren’t any Gears. Are there more gears later? Or does it live up to its promise in the introduction to use words loosely and be primarily a guide for intuition?
The Mind Illuminated is a 484-page textbook, organized by what should be useful to know at various stages of meditation. It’s full of gears. For example, it gives increasingly complete models of the mind as you progress. I sure hope the gears are accurate; I suspect it will become more obvious whether they are or not later in my practice.
I’m trying to understand your comments. I’m going to try to phrase them in the terminology of The Mind Illuminated, if that works. (It’s also possible that these two books have conflicting models of the mind, rendering any attempted translation moot.)
Attention is when you focus on one thing in particular. It tends to isolate that thing, and be analytical. It is more “self” centered.
Peripheral Awareness, or “awareness” for short, tends to take in a whole sensory field at once (e.g. everything you’re seeing), is more contextual and involves less analysis, and is less personal and more objective.
Both attention and awareness can be introspective, centered on your thoughts and feelings, or extrospective, centered on your external senses (e.g., hearing or seeing, but not thinking).
As some examples of this terminology (that I hope I’m getting right):
Typical mindfulness meditation involves focusing your attention on your breath. The Mind Illuminated says that it’s important to also allow awareness to all of your senses as you do this, but this hasn’t been clear to me from other sources.
When you take in a scene, your attention is on particular part of it (e.g., the orange band around the setting sun), while your awareness is taking in the rest of the scene (the sky and trees). That is, for a few seconds until you get distracted.
When your mind wanders, your attention is on your train of thoughts, and you have no awareness. That is, your attention is introspective.
When you are performing trace-back meditation, your attention is also introspective, but it is focused on the memory of your past thoughts. (Though it’s probably more complicated than this: for example, you’re probably doing a mix of remembering past thoughts and thinking in the present “and what could have led to that?”.)
It sounds like in your comment, you’re saying one of these two things:
If it’s the latter, the “checking in” technique on page 103 of The Mind Illuminated seems relevant:
In the next stage, however, you learn to phase out checking-in (i.e., introspective attention), which necessarily shifts your attention, in favor of introspective awareness. So this book is saying that you aren’t stuck at always appreciating your mind’s activity in the past. But doing so is a necessary stepping stone to appreciating it in the present. (One that I’m not ready for yet.)
I would expect it to decrease your attention and increase your peripheral awareness. And more specifically to decrease your attention on thoughts, and increase your peripheral awareness of external senses. Does that sound right? Something like this has happened to me in the past, so I may know what you’re talking about. Fortunately, it’s way easier to shift things back toward attention. Talking or thinking will do it; a thinking-heavy video game (hello Factorio) is very efficient IIRC. I can imagine track-back meditation being especially good at that too, as you say.
Left at this, it seems like a pretty bad trade-off: for me at least, attention on abstract thoughts is way more important to what I do than awareness of senses. But:
The Mind Illuminated says that meditation should give your more total attention+awareness, and eventually let you consciously balance the two as appropriate. It may take a while, though.
From my past experience, when I had more awareness I felt like I was way worse at things. I noticed every time I forgot something, and saw lots of dumb thoughts. But it seems likely to me now that that’s just how things have always been, and that was one of the few times I was aware of it. Do you say your productivity was worse because you actually got fewer things done, or just because you noticed lots of awkward gaps and tangents that might’ve always been there, previously unnoticed?
The goal? The Mind Illuminated has a dozen different goals for the various stages. Overall, it says:
I got less done.
The Power of Now is not very gears-y. It does get a litte gears-y when it talks about concrete practices which aim to help you live in the now, but only a little. You have to fill in gears. I generated very charitable interpretations as I was reading. it. It’s definitely a soft skills book.
The comment you’re referring to was making a more philosophical point that moments are only meaningful in their connection to other moments. I could have made the same point by pointing out that there is always a delay from when one neuron fires to when another fires in response. I was pushing against the strong Now-ish ontology in the power of now. Nonetheless, you response is not irrelevant, because part of what I was claiming was that one should do something much like “checking in” as you describe it, in order to see whether they were really conscious/aware/attentive of what was happening in the previous moment.
I think this is part of it, but another part of it is that The Power of Now recommends something like directly facing your suffering in order to transmute it into consciousness. This led me to nonlinguistically focus on any distracting feelings such as not wanting to be doing what I was doing and wanting to procrastinate instead. This was somewhat interesting, but disruptive of productivity.
The Mind Illuminated recommends the same thing. Its model is that the suffering from pain actually comes from your aversion to the pain, rather than the pain itself, and that putting your attention on the sensation itself tends to improve matters. Can confirm that stubbing my toe while not meditating involves cussing, while stubbing my toe while meditating involves my attention going to a particularly interesting sensation in my toe for a little while.
Aversion is… a “negative mental state involving judgement, reject, and denial. Includes hatred, anger, resentment, dissatisfaction, criticism, impatience, self-accusation, and boredom”. As to weather a “mental state” the same or different from an “emotion”, and if different what the difference is, I have no idea.
Ah, I wouldn’t have expected that. Good to know!
Thinking about your framing from TMI, perhaps I’m supposed to put my awareness but not my attention on the distracting thoughts. The reason it is tempting to do more than this is to “fully integrate the part of me that wants to not be doing this”—IE, put full awareness onto it to dialogue with it, and decide what I really want to do with the fullness of what I want right now.
In your experience, is it enough to have awareness on the stubbed toe, or is it necessary to put attention on it? You describe your attention going to the toe.
For the stubbed toe, attention is definitely required. However, the mind sense is very different from the other senses. If I understand correctly, if you have attention but not awareness on your thoughts, that is thinking. And I don’t know about you, but I personally have little mind awareness. (If I had more, I could notice that I was thinking thoughts before my mind wanders off while meditating, but I only ever notice after I’ve caught it.) The Mind Illuminated says that I’m going to develop more mind awareness in Stage 4, which I’m not at yet.
Anyhow, that was a tangent. The Mind Illuminated has a table of seven mental problems that might get in your way of meditating, and what to do about them. It sounds like yours is most similar to “procrastination and resistance to practicing”, for which you are supposed to “Frequently recall the benefits of practice [in your case, your work], constantly refresh and renew your motivation, and ‘just do it’. See Stage one.” So, no special meditative solutions here, just ordinary ones.
Meta comment: are your upvotes worth 7 points?
Seems that way. I don’t know what the exact formula is, but it is based on karma.
Note: normal upvotes are 1-3 points depending on karma. Strong upvotes are more variable.
I think there’s some looseness in the Mind Illuminated ontology around this point, but I would say: thinking involves attention on an abstract concept. When attention and/or awareness are on a thought, that’s metacognitive attention and/or awareness. For example, if I’m trying to work on an intellectual task but start thinking about food, my attention has moved from the task to food. Specifically my attention might be on a specific possibility for dinner, or on a set of possibilities. If I have no metacognitive awareness, then I’m lost in the thought; my attention is not on the thought, it’s on the food.