I’ve been trying this for a couple of weeks now. It’s hard! I often will have a missing link in the distraction chain: I know something that came at point X in the distraction chain and X-n, for n > 1. When I try and probe the missing part it’s pretty uncomfortable. Like using or poking a numb limb. It can be pretty aversive, so I can’t bring myself to do this meditation every time I meditate.
I’ve been trying this for a couple of weeks now. It’s hard! I often will have a missing link in the distraction chain: I know something that came at point X in the distraction chain and X-n, for n > 1. When I try and probe the missing part it’s pretty uncomfortable. Like using or poking a numb limb. It can be pretty aversive, so I can’t bring myself to do this meditation every time I meditate.