Another option there might be that certain commercial timings emerge more or less naturally from the constraints on the problem. If radio stations schedule time blocks by hours or some 1/n division of hours, for example, there’s going to be a break between segments at every N:00 -- a natural place to put commercials.
This would be a Schelling point, except that I doubt most radio stations think of commercial timing relative to other stations in terms of game-theoretic advantage.
Another option there might be that certain commercial timings emerge more or less naturally from the constraints on the problem. If radio stations schedule time blocks by hours or some 1/n division of hours, for example, there’s going to be a break between segments at every N:00 -- a natural place to put commercials.
This would be a Schelling point, except that I doubt most radio stations think of commercial timing relative to other stations in terms of game-theoretic advantage.