(1) Moore’s law seems to be slowing—this could be a speedbump before the next paradigm takes over, or it could be the start of stagnation, in which case the singularity is postponed.
The pithy one-liner comeback to this is that the human brain is an existence proof for a computer the size of the human brain with the performance of the human brain, and it seems implausible that nature arrived at the optimal basic design for neurons on (basically) its first try.
An existence proof is very different from a constructive proof! Nature did not happen upon this design on the first try, the brain has evolved for billions of generations. Of course, intelligence can work faster than the blind idiot god, and humanity, if it survives long enough, will do better. The question is, will this take decades or centuries?
An existence proof is very different from a constructive proof!
Quite so. However, it does give reason to hope.
The question is, will this take decades or centuries?
If you look at Moore’s Law coming to a close in silicon around 2020, and we’re still so far away from a human brain equivalent computer, it’s easy to get disheartened. I think it’s important to remember that it’s at least possible, and if nature could happen upon it..
The pithy one-liner comeback to this is that the human brain is an existence proof for a computer the size of the human brain with the performance of the human brain, and it seems implausible that nature arrived at the optimal basic design for neurons on (basically) its first try.
An existence proof is very different from a constructive proof! Nature did not happen upon this design on the first try, the brain has evolved for billions of generations. Of course, intelligence can work faster than the blind idiot god, and humanity, if it survives long enough, will do better. The question is, will this take decades or centuries?
Quite so. However, it does give reason to hope.
If you look at Moore’s Law coming to a close in silicon around 2020, and we’re still so far away from a human brain equivalent computer, it’s easy to get disheartened. I think it’s important to remember that it’s at least possible, and if nature could happen upon it..