Piotr Wozkniak, the author of Supermemo, and something of a guru in the SR community, already had this idea, he calls it Incremental Reading, and he has refined it quite a lot. I’ve played with it, and I think it probably is useful if you intend to learn large amounts of material at once, but I ground to a halt because I’d filled my reader with material I wasn’t particularly interested in learning.
Supermemo supports incremental reading qutie well, and there is an Anki plugin which is just about usable (although it could use some work).
I am aware of incremental reading, but I didn’t know there was an anki plugin for it. Thanks for the info. This isn’t quite the same thing, though, because incremental reading is still about turning things into question-answer pairs, whereas this technique is about passively reading or skimming through text.
Piotr Wozkniak, the author of Supermemo, and something of a guru in the SR community, already had this idea, he calls it Incremental Reading, and he has refined it quite a lot. I’ve played with it, and I think it probably is useful if you intend to learn large amounts of material at once, but I ground to a halt because I’d filled my reader with material I wasn’t particularly interested in learning.
Supermemo supports incremental reading qutie well, and there is an Anki plugin which is just about usable (although it could use some work).
I am aware of incremental reading, but I didn’t know there was an anki plugin for it. Thanks for the info. This isn’t quite the same thing, though, because incremental reading is still about turning things into question-answer pairs, whereas this technique is about passively reading or skimming through text.
Just don’t take the last step of the IR process.