Prompt is pretty open. Focusing on “content” is ambigious whether to reflecdt on things said on the main post or the topic they gesture towards. There is no choice paralysis challenge factor here.
Before the prompt I read some replies that wondered about some things not having come up and I noticed I had the thought but didn’t post and kinda felt because I didn’t feel that kind of position would be welcome (recall not ideation?)
One form of epistemic coordination is allowing others to gracefully be wrong. If one wants all kinds of opinionsw one needs to have soe sort of stance of “let all flowers bloom”. This might be a surprisingly not-okay pill to swallow.
What strikes to me as American-like mindset treats a situation where everybody just plays the game to their benefit as an accident like tragedy. “Hate the game not the player”, but why are people accepting to play these games?
American and market like mentality often easily things that individual people are main things make things work. You “prove” yourself, you get “just compensation” that is able to be identified to single persons. A contrasting viewpoint tries to support the people trying to accomplish things as much as possible. You can’t prove yourself if the challenge level is constantly trying to be demolished. If you are allowed to do anonymised effectiveness then you can’t be attributed to be the reason of the outcomes.
A society is built out of norms. If one were to totally destroy all forms the basis on which to shape any behaviour would be gone. Deregulation and such reduces norms. If the test to reduce norms is blind to certain kinds of values those values will be underserved.
When breeding cows we once tried to maximise milk production. Then you get a lot of weird and sick cows which can get inefficient for cow per bottle of milk as random deaths as expense with no payoff. I think since then there has been focus to breed for health instead. This analog could be used to predict how it is going to play with human optimatision goals. Instead of efficient societies we might switch to stable societies once we get sick of unstability.
In a city you interact with people less. You know people less. If you would say hello to every person that you pass by the street it would effectively be dossing yourself. Instead the interaction is limited to closer ties such as same-skyrise neighbours, people whos phone numbers you have etc. Small towns retain “greet all” standards. Military has rules that lower rank people must always acknolwedge higer rank people but high rank people are not olicated to notice or acknowledge back. This military thing doesn’t seem random or frivolous.
Thinking in terms of salary is thinking also in terms of individual gain vs organizaational gain. It seems there is also a mindset which sets the organizational focus first and then maintenance of single actors second. That is if a tribe member goes hungry that reflects bad on the village instead of the villager. This is the dark side of “you are the smith of your own luck”. It would run very contrary to human nature to let your neighbour starve when yo9u are well-fed even thought you probably start expecting good behaviour or acts of reprociosity.
American style market capitalist easily think that the reason why their corporations are such money makes is their ruthlessness and willingness to cut corners. This probably genuinely gets over some bad barriers but it also works to get over good barriers and is not particualrly well suited to wonder the question whether bypassing is proper or not. If you were in a village known to backstab and rob all and every people every chanced they get you would probably think that they ar dangerous on the battlefield but also that it woudul be hard to get a good sleep within their camp and that they might enter the battlefield a few guys short because of semi-accidental deaths over personal property.
Short-range optimization predictably leads to greedy results. The other side is that people allow and loud such optimizastions. In order for long-range optimization to prevail people would probably need to go out of their way to reward actors taht do things correctly.
If you do things correctly it is easier to demand others do things correctly at their own expence. If everybody is donig things correctly irregradless of persoanl expense it doesn’t distort interpersonal competition that much. However if disregarding doing things right gets you personal benefit, race to the bottom might result.
One strategy to getting a good thing done is to show competence and showing that you have a good goal. This often falls short on doubt whether you are truly shooting for the goal or whether your goal is the one that you state. Another strategy is to do good things at great personal expense and when it would be foolhardy. Then if others want to nudge the world in that direction empowering you with money or any kind of support is pretty sure to nudge that way. But whether you are efficient or successful in your goals might be in doubt. If you give out food when you are yourself starving then it is probable that giving you food feeds more people. If you are a fat person advocating to alleviate world-hunger somebody might suspect that if given food you will just eat it.
Good and selfless acts to improve the world can go unrecognised. Doing the good deed might get punished a lot. There might be some degree whic is it proper to continue despite such factors. But at some point it might also become unviable. If the world gets so cuthroat that all the idealists die for their pursuits then it is only a world of survivors which live for nothing.
It is identified for self-preservation to be one of the instrumental universal goals for AI. However overvaluing survival and safety is possible. It seems quite unlikely if not impossible to “max out on safety”. Given any situation it seems plausisble that security could be increased. Drawing line when the actually bypass on personal continuity for actually getting things done might be one skill for AIs/agents.
In Ghost in the Shell (season 2 or some advanced stage of it?) Tachicomas face a situation where the only available mean to help is to crash their brain satellite into earth whic in the same go is suicide for them. I think the piece is trying to potrey them as noble and proving of having moral worth or displaying ethical capability for it. They did a similar thing with metal bodies in a previous cresendo phase. A low-intensity organization, ideology attitude would probably think that they displayed a sin of recklessness.
It doesn’t seem surprising that blindness to the unworkability manifests. Market-believing kind of requires some belief. There is probably a mirror to communistic propaganda going on in the right-wing pole of the world too.
Peer-support groups for neurodivergence (personal) seems to have flexed a lot of muscles which might be key to basic tribal human functioning. People not having any special need for suport might be suffering from the lack of usage of those muscles wihtout themselfs knowing.
I live in a country where there are viable public and private healthcare options. Long ques for public seem to wrench my heart in some way as it seems logical that individual people would choose to pay up more to get themselfs treated. I do not think that all people would feel sorry of the public infrastructure crumbling over underuse like that. In the same go it feels vdery twisted when for an american it makes sense to not treat a broken bone because it would incur disproportionate costs, because of uninsurancedness.
By association the thought of “I don’t myself taxed because I have healthcare premiums to payfor”. It seems like a person oriented to personally pay for their needs would be very familiar for shopping for the services and woudl have a hard time imagining how their lives woudl be easier if they didn’t have to. But in the same time it seems whether it is taken as taxes or premiums it seems basically comparable althought economies of scale coudul be stronger for states rather than corporations.
We live in a world which has many norms floating about which are tuned for different environments and goals. Taking a solution can seem alluringly powerful without clearcut understanding of its limitations.
The US public conversation level has gone down so much and as a outsider I feel it is connected for peoples right to be stupid. An educated populus functions more robustly in civics. And I think this is more connected for respectful discourse rather than getting facts straight.
It might make sense to allow a kind of “extended privacy” to solve for norm adaptiveness. A cell can influence its own chemistry much better if it has cell-walls rathet than trying to influencde their local corner of the ocean which has strong inflows and outflows.
The france islam discussion seems to suffer from interacting with ideologicaly distant cultures in a too stetrotypical and simplied way.
A “melting pot” approach might destroy important interfaces for interchange between large groups of people.
I found it surprising to include “police” in non-goverment brands
I found it surprising and american to include Amazon and Google as great collective functions.
~60 minutes (I consistently don’t seem to hit it very well)
As outsider I am surprised that US allows the degree of gerrymandreing, that the electroal college is put up with. It seems their questioning is periodic but people focus on shortist term politial impacts rather than the actual issues (as they appear to me). It just seems that it would be too embarrasing to have it as such a flimsy system.
There is saying “who reaches for the fir, he will fall into the juniper” which kid of predicts unstability if you push a system too much. Sayings to the same effect are “Better bird in the sack than ten on the branch”.
People taking pride that they have done things correctly might play a role. You might be a happy consumer of low standards newspapaer that has fun with their writing. Reading a “proper” publication might be slower, less fun, has issues of being complex etc which might not make it super obvoius as personal choice.
In the theory how markets might improve society customers define demand throught which kinds of properties they select their products for. If nobody cares about truth or peace building etc. then that is a kind of social choice.
The market mechanism of making social choices probably has a lot of different properties than making social choice throught explicit deliberation on issues.
It is easy to measure that product A is 10 cents cheaper than product B. The ideological impacts or which direction it pushes production can be much more nebolous and can’t be accurately determined by customers.
In order for economic theory styyle good world to come about people need to make long term predictions about their actions outcomes. In economic theory this is “solved” via “rational actor”. The mechanisms infact pushed in the name of market efficiencies might make it more harder for people to be informed of their choices.
“Made in US” kind of stamps allow customers to make choices about how they want to impact others. There are no comprehensive labels about every relevant impact and even the source labels can be misleading (assembled in US, fabric from netherlands, parts from China).
Single rich people champioing for a good cause might be easy to understand but might have limitations. It might be easy to value a good combatant like Rambo but having a much boring ooption of just having 7 regular combatants is often much better. Reality doesn’t preserve ninjutsu. So maybe having your civilization saved by having a good generation of Great Person Points isn’t the most default plan.
In an inequal society you care more about your place rather than is the society moving forward. If your collective ideal is to provide individuals the best chance for sucess then as a society you migth not be moving forward.
Monkeys will rebel for an uneven feeding amount for human captors. There might be two strategy archetypes. If you are part of a group that strongly cooperates you can ride the wave of the group to succcess. If you are part of a group you might take their resources to benefit yourself. Cheaters are dangerous to riders as a group composed to cheaters is weak and less ridable. Yet opressing everybody else might make you a prosperous alpha, and as oppressed being alive is better than being dead.
Have humans wrongly suppressed the feeling of unfairness. What are the proper factors to whether get upset over it?
Organizsations that work to exists migth be parasitic. If a community forms organization where necceary and disbands them where unnecceary they are less likely to have societal overheads. There a choice of not having an instinct to live is a feature, it is a controlled apoptosis rather than a tragedy
Do we hold each other responcible for our choices? Do we favour unexplained hedonistic impulses to easily turn into concrete actions? If we needed to talk about our choicdes more we might be more idealistic.
If we see the rubble, we could choose to fix it. That would be standard political movement but if you pitted “law & order” party versus the “streets & power” that might cut closer to the real issues.
It seems that ability to shake things up if we are only pretending might be important. That is if you can reliably turn cargo cults into actual research it doesn¨’t matter that much do or do you not generate cargo cults. Dna protection isn’t about not breaking it, it is about repairing it.
Some association about why keeping a straight face from laughter might be important or relevant. It seems that some of the bad directios would no t have happened (to the same degree) if the actors perpetrating them would have burts out laughing. That is somewhere somebody should have asked “are you serious?” and thigs would have been somewhat saved if “yes (holding back laughs)” would have been the result.
We are unlikely as interner forum posters to really step this forward signficantly. It feels like it is going to stirr emotions. I feel like I ahve trouble taking this as a straight question but rather as a kind of “me, also me” meme which kind of requires to be in the target audience to reflect rather than advice from the outside.
That the ask for “shot in the dark” qualifier didn’t push me to comment seems like an expression that I do not trust that will actually signal any kind of different attitude. That I accept to do the babble challenge anyway seems that I believe in the “babble shield” a lot more. Part of the problem might be that detecting such things are hard or result in laboursome meta-discussion which neccesity might be hard to ascertain.
Wikipedia is kind of succesful “lets just do this” project. Lesswrong seems kind of similar but doesn’t seem as successful.
At some point I felt greater confidence that just getting excited about LW tropes would result in some stuff. At some point there was a great decline which feels like (but I do not whether it is actually) that most of my posts didn’t get points and I was expecting points. “Upkeep reinforcement”. It seems plans or expression of wanting to build somethign would facde sceptisims from me.
If you only reward the exceptional, then normal operation is not upkept
In the very limit, if people were very separate they woudl probably form some kinds of contact or language or custos for trade etc. The forces that pull apart and together probably have various balancde points which ar shifted by various forces.
~2 hour
1 is indeed recall. Lurking might be a powerful force. In addition of resolving the situation for parties involved there is also the issue what is sets example and precedence for. If somebody says the emperor is naked others can reflect on it too and if nobody says it that tells a lot about the society too. Championiong a common value might have value beyond your particular circumstances. US supreme court things have to be actual issues, the big principle conflicts need to have an actual embodied conflict (ie named parties rather than just a vague “abortion question”)
Repair 21. The success of projects that benefit society but not that much particular indivudals need different pattern of recognition. Having teachers be higly respected, actually putting money into education, having wide access to education are pretty deliberate act my country has done, I feel US has not done and I think they result matters and US doesn’t realise what they are missing out.
31-33 connection to topic is somewhat tenous. If we more directly asked person what they woudl want for society they woudl proabbly answer differntly than their current actions tell a story
There can be different degrees of societal involvement. People “left behind” probably either cry for the malfunciton of the structures or don’t see the point of participating. Less builders means slower building and repair.
There is a strategy that if you unsolictedly help someone they might more probably help you in return. In online games where every player is rematched with different people people are vedry nasty and it is hard to get any kind of coordinatio going on. Even if coordination happens iti s often a very “by the book”, “this is what you are supposed ot be doing irregardless of identities of the actual players” rather than a negotiated outcome.
~2 h 20 m
In babble mode it seems that my “touchy subject” censor is not working that much. It probably has a somewhat defencible reason to exist. Part of why it is okay to shut it off is that the output is taken into a space where the danger the module is built to repel is less relevant. I am kind of strained to think on the topi and beforehand thought I woudl reflect on the exercie afterwards. Seems that isn’t viale right now and seems it will not be done if it doesn’t happen now.
Prompt is pretty open. Focusing on “content” is ambigious whether to reflecdt on things said on the main post or the topic they gesture towards. There is no choice paralysis challenge factor here.
Before the prompt I read some replies that wondered about some things not having come up and I noticed I had the thought but didn’t post and kinda felt because I didn’t feel that kind of position would be welcome (recall not ideation?)
One form of epistemic coordination is allowing others to gracefully be wrong. If one wants all kinds of opinionsw one needs to have soe sort of stance of “let all flowers bloom”. This might be a surprisingly not-okay pill to swallow.
What strikes to me as American-like mindset treats a situation where everybody just plays the game to their benefit as an accident like tragedy. “Hate the game not the player”, but why are people accepting to play these games?
American and market like mentality often easily things that individual people are main things make things work. You “prove” yourself, you get “just compensation” that is able to be identified to single persons. A contrasting viewpoint tries to support the people trying to accomplish things as much as possible. You can’t prove yourself if the challenge level is constantly trying to be demolished. If you are allowed to do anonymised effectiveness then you can’t be attributed to be the reason of the outcomes.
A society is built out of norms. If one were to totally destroy all forms the basis on which to shape any behaviour would be gone. Deregulation and such reduces norms. If the test to reduce norms is blind to certain kinds of values those values will be underserved.
When breeding cows we once tried to maximise milk production. Then you get a lot of weird and sick cows which can get inefficient for cow per bottle of milk as random deaths as expense with no payoff. I think since then there has been focus to breed for health instead. This analog could be used to predict how it is going to play with human optimatision goals. Instead of efficient societies we might switch to stable societies once we get sick of unstability.
In a city you interact with people less. You know people less. If you would say hello to every person that you pass by the street it would effectively be dossing yourself. Instead the interaction is limited to closer ties such as same-skyrise neighbours, people whos phone numbers you have etc. Small towns retain “greet all” standards. Military has rules that lower rank people must always acknolwedge higer rank people but high rank people are not olicated to notice or acknowledge back. This military thing doesn’t seem random or frivolous.
Thinking in terms of salary is thinking also in terms of individual gain vs organizaational gain. It seems there is also a mindset which sets the organizational focus first and then maintenance of single actors second. That is if a tribe member goes hungry that reflects bad on the village instead of the villager. This is the dark side of “you are the smith of your own luck”. It would run very contrary to human nature to let your neighbour starve when yo9u are well-fed even thought you probably start expecting good behaviour or acts of reprociosity.
American style market capitalist easily think that the reason why their corporations are such money makes is their ruthlessness and willingness to cut corners. This probably genuinely gets over some bad barriers but it also works to get over good barriers and is not particualrly well suited to wonder the question whether bypassing is proper or not. If you were in a village known to backstab and rob all and every people every chanced they get you would probably think that they ar dangerous on the battlefield but also that it woudul be hard to get a good sleep within their camp and that they might enter the battlefield a few guys short because of semi-accidental deaths over personal property.
Short-range optimization predictably leads to greedy results. The other side is that people allow and loud such optimizastions. In order for long-range optimization to prevail people would probably need to go out of their way to reward actors taht do things correctly.
If you do things correctly it is easier to demand others do things correctly at their own expence. If everybody is donig things correctly irregradless of persoanl expense it doesn’t distort interpersonal competition that much. However if disregarding doing things right gets you personal benefit, race to the bottom might result.
One strategy to getting a good thing done is to show competence and showing that you have a good goal. This often falls short on doubt whether you are truly shooting for the goal or whether your goal is the one that you state. Another strategy is to do good things at great personal expense and when it would be foolhardy. Then if others want to nudge the world in that direction empowering you with money or any kind of support is pretty sure to nudge that way. But whether you are efficient or successful in your goals might be in doubt. If you give out food when you are yourself starving then it is probable that giving you food feeds more people. If you are a fat person advocating to alleviate world-hunger somebody might suspect that if given food you will just eat it.
Good and selfless acts to improve the world can go unrecognised. Doing the good deed might get punished a lot. There might be some degree whic is it proper to continue despite such factors. But at some point it might also become unviable. If the world gets so cuthroat that all the idealists die for their pursuits then it is only a world of survivors which live for nothing.
It is identified for self-preservation to be one of the instrumental universal goals for AI. However overvaluing survival and safety is possible. It seems quite unlikely if not impossible to “max out on safety”. Given any situation it seems plausisble that security could be increased. Drawing line when the actually bypass on personal continuity for actually getting things done might be one skill for AIs/agents.
In Ghost in the Shell (season 2 or some advanced stage of it?) Tachicomas face a situation where the only available mean to help is to crash their brain satellite into earth whic in the same go is suicide for them. I think the piece is trying to potrey them as noble and proving of having moral worth or displaying ethical capability for it. They did a similar thing with metal bodies in a previous cresendo phase. A low-intensity organization, ideology attitude would probably think that they displayed a sin of recklessness.
It doesn’t seem surprising that blindness to the unworkability manifests. Market-believing kind of requires some belief. There is probably a mirror to communistic propaganda going on in the right-wing pole of the world too.
Peer-support groups for neurodivergence (personal) seems to have flexed a lot of muscles which might be key to basic tribal human functioning. People not having any special need for suport might be suffering from the lack of usage of those muscles wihtout themselfs knowing.
I live in a country where there are viable public and private healthcare options. Long ques for public seem to wrench my heart in some way as it seems logical that individual people would choose to pay up more to get themselfs treated. I do not think that all people would feel sorry of the public infrastructure crumbling over underuse like that. In the same go it feels vdery twisted when for an american it makes sense to not treat a broken bone because it would incur disproportionate costs, because of uninsurancedness.
By association the thought of “I don’t myself taxed because I have healthcare premiums to payfor”. It seems like a person oriented to personally pay for their needs would be very familiar for shopping for the services and woudl have a hard time imagining how their lives woudl be easier if they didn’t have to. But in the same time it seems whether it is taken as taxes or premiums it seems basically comparable althought economies of scale coudul be stronger for states rather than corporations.
We live in a world which has many norms floating about which are tuned for different environments and goals. Taking a solution can seem alluringly powerful without clearcut understanding of its limitations.
The US public conversation level has gone down so much and as a outsider I feel it is connected for peoples right to be stupid. An educated populus functions more robustly in civics. And I think this is more connected for respectful discourse rather than getting facts straight.
It might make sense to allow a kind of “extended privacy” to solve for norm adaptiveness. A cell can influence its own chemistry much better if it has cell-walls rathet than trying to influencde their local corner of the ocean which has strong inflows and outflows.
The france islam discussion seems to suffer from interacting with ideologicaly distant cultures in a too stetrotypical and simplied way.
A “melting pot” approach might destroy important interfaces for interchange between large groups of people.
I found it surprising to include “police” in non-goverment brands
I found it surprising and american to include Amazon and Google as great collective functions.
~60 minutes (I consistently don’t seem to hit it very well)
As outsider I am surprised that US allows the degree of gerrymandreing, that the electroal college is put up with. It seems their questioning is periodic but people focus on shortist term politial impacts rather than the actual issues (as they appear to me). It just seems that it would be too embarrasing to have it as such a flimsy system.
There is saying “who reaches for the fir, he will fall into the juniper” which kid of predicts unstability if you push a system too much. Sayings to the same effect are “Better bird in the sack than ten on the branch”.
People taking pride that they have done things correctly might play a role. You might be a happy consumer of low standards newspapaer that has fun with their writing. Reading a “proper” publication might be slower, less fun, has issues of being complex etc which might not make it super obvoius as personal choice.
In the theory how markets might improve society customers define demand throught which kinds of properties they select their products for. If nobody cares about truth or peace building etc. then that is a kind of social choice.
The market mechanism of making social choices probably has a lot of different properties than making social choice throught explicit deliberation on issues.
It is easy to measure that product A is 10 cents cheaper than product B. The ideological impacts or which direction it pushes production can be much more nebolous and can’t be accurately determined by customers.
In order for economic theory styyle good world to come about people need to make long term predictions about their actions outcomes. In economic theory this is “solved” via “rational actor”. The mechanisms infact pushed in the name of market efficiencies might make it more harder for people to be informed of their choices.
“Made in US” kind of stamps allow customers to make choices about how they want to impact others. There are no comprehensive labels about every relevant impact and even the source labels can be misleading (assembled in US, fabric from netherlands, parts from China).
Single rich people champioing for a good cause might be easy to understand but might have limitations. It might be easy to value a good combatant like Rambo but having a much boring ooption of just having 7 regular combatants is often much better. Reality doesn’t preserve ninjutsu. So maybe having your civilization saved by having a good generation of Great Person Points isn’t the most default plan.
In an inequal society you care more about your place rather than is the society moving forward. If your collective ideal is to provide individuals the best chance for sucess then as a society you migth not be moving forward.
Monkeys will rebel for an uneven feeding amount for human captors. There might be two strategy archetypes. If you are part of a group that strongly cooperates you can ride the wave of the group to succcess. If you are part of a group you might take their resources to benefit yourself. Cheaters are dangerous to riders as a group composed to cheaters is weak and less ridable. Yet opressing everybody else might make you a prosperous alpha, and as oppressed being alive is better than being dead.
Have humans wrongly suppressed the feeling of unfairness. What are the proper factors to whether get upset over it?
Organizsations that work to exists migth be parasitic. If a community forms organization where necceary and disbands them where unnecceary they are less likely to have societal overheads. There a choice of not having an instinct to live is a feature, it is a controlled apoptosis rather than a tragedy
Do we hold each other responcible for our choices? Do we favour unexplained hedonistic impulses to easily turn into concrete actions? If we needed to talk about our choicdes more we might be more idealistic.
If we see the rubble, we could choose to fix it. That would be standard political movement but if you pitted “law & order” party versus the “streets & power” that might cut closer to the real issues.
It seems that ability to shake things up if we are only pretending might be important. That is if you can reliably turn cargo cults into actual research it doesn¨’t matter that much do or do you not generate cargo cults. Dna protection isn’t about not breaking it, it is about repairing it.
Some association about why keeping a straight face from laughter might be important or relevant. It seems that some of the bad directios would no t have happened (to the same degree) if the actors perpetrating them would have burts out laughing. That is somewhere somebody should have asked “are you serious?” and thigs would have been somewhat saved if “yes (holding back laughs)” would have been the result.
We are unlikely as interner forum posters to really step this forward signficantly. It feels like it is going to stirr emotions. I feel like I ahve trouble taking this as a straight question but rather as a kind of “me, also me” meme which kind of requires to be in the target audience to reflect rather than advice from the outside.
That the ask for “shot in the dark” qualifier didn’t push me to comment seems like an expression that I do not trust that will actually signal any kind of different attitude. That I accept to do the babble challenge anyway seems that I believe in the “babble shield” a lot more. Part of the problem might be that detecting such things are hard or result in laboursome meta-discussion which neccesity might be hard to ascertain.
Wikipedia is kind of succesful “lets just do this” project. Lesswrong seems kind of similar but doesn’t seem as successful.
At some point I felt greater confidence that just getting excited about LW tropes would result in some stuff. At some point there was a great decline which feels like (but I do not whether it is actually) that most of my posts didn’t get points and I was expecting points. “Upkeep reinforcement”. It seems plans or expression of wanting to build somethign would facde sceptisims from me.
If you only reward the exceptional, then normal operation is not upkept
In the very limit, if people were very separate they woudl probably form some kinds of contact or language or custos for trade etc. The forces that pull apart and together probably have various balancde points which ar shifted by various forces.
~2 hour
1 is indeed recall. Lurking might be a powerful force. In addition of resolving the situation for parties involved there is also the issue what is sets example and precedence for. If somebody says the emperor is naked others can reflect on it too and if nobody says it that tells a lot about the society too. Championiong a common value might have value beyond your particular circumstances. US supreme court things have to be actual issues, the big principle conflicts need to have an actual embodied conflict (ie named parties rather than just a vague “abortion question”)
Repair 21. The success of projects that benefit society but not that much particular indivudals need different pattern of recognition. Having teachers be higly respected, actually putting money into education, having wide access to education are pretty deliberate act my country has done, I feel US has not done and I think they result matters and US doesn’t realise what they are missing out.
31-33 connection to topic is somewhat tenous. If we more directly asked person what they woudl want for society they woudl proabbly answer differntly than their current actions tell a story
There can be different degrees of societal involvement. People “left behind” probably either cry for the malfunciton of the structures or don’t see the point of participating. Less builders means slower building and repair.
There is a strategy that if you unsolictedly help someone they might more probably help you in return. In online games where every player is rematched with different people people are vedry nasty and it is hard to get any kind of coordinatio going on. Even if coordination happens iti s often a very “by the book”, “this is what you are supposed ot be doing irregardless of identities of the actual players” rather than a negotiated outcome.
~2 h 20 m
In babble mode it seems that my “touchy subject” censor is not working that much. It probably has a somewhat defencible reason to exist. Part of why it is okay to shut it off is that the output is taken into a space where the danger the module is built to repel is less relevant. I am kind of strained to think on the topi and beforehand thought I woudl reflect on the exercie afterwards. Seems that isn’t viale right now and seems it will not be done if it doesn’t happen now.