Root causes of cooperation
Desire for meaning
Desire for community
Desire for status
Cultural expectations
Strong leadership
Local reputation
Financial incentives
Individuals fighting within the system to increase cooperation
Desire to help others
Warm fuzzies
National pride
Fear of consequences
Long term rewards
Individual cooperative units (whole institution not necessarily required)
People acting out the part of a model employee
Social pressures
Value creation and trading
Understanding that cooperation is needed for any large project to succeed
Punishment of defectors
Cooperative institutions select for cooperative people, cooperation abounds
Why past was (or looks) better
Low simulacra levels in population
Rose tinted glasses for the good old days
Only success stories lasting (selection bias)
All the old institutions which focussed on the short term are long dead
Becoming less cooperative is easy, becoming more so is hard
Old institutions have had a long time to go down the slippery slope
Comfortable life nowadays incentivizes less care about things
No recent experience of war to bring people together
Increased market competition
Financial stresses are lower nowadays
Easier to find a new job so less requirement to optimise in your current one
Reputation is less important than it used to be
Cultural expectations are aimed more towards individual success
Capitalism has generally won over communism
People getting their feelings of self-esteem elsewhere
Internet allows easy escapism
General ease of entertainment means less focus on finding meaning in work
Reputations less linked to friends and neighbours – less social pressure
Non-conformism being an ideal
Families being less unified – less experience of cooperation
Different strengths of unions
Religious ties
Experience of cooperation from religious upbringing
Cooperation seen as a key virtue in the past
Culture was more implicit, less explicit – does implicit perform better?
More homogenous population
More people now in cities, less local knowledge of individuals
Increased partisanship
More anti-heroes in culture – ok to succeed by being bad?
Root causes of cooperation
Desire for meaning
Desire for community
Desire for status
Cultural expectations
Strong leadership
Local reputation
Financial incentives
Individuals fighting within the system to increase cooperation
Desire to help others
Warm fuzzies
National pride
Fear of consequences
Long term rewards
Individual cooperative units (whole institution not necessarily required)
People acting out the part of a model employee
Social pressures
Value creation and trading
Understanding that cooperation is needed for any large project to succeed
Punishment of defectors
Cooperative institutions select for cooperative people, cooperation abounds
Why past was (or looks) better
Low simulacra levels in population
Rose tinted glasses for the good old days
Only success stories lasting (selection bias)
All the old institutions which focussed on the short term are long dead
Becoming less cooperative is easy, becoming more so is hard
Old institutions have had a long time to go down the slippery slope
Comfortable life nowadays incentivizes less care about things
No recent experience of war to bring people together
Increased market competition
Financial stresses are lower nowadays
Easier to find a new job so less requirement to optimise in your current one
Reputation is less important than it used to be
Cultural expectations are aimed more towards individual success
Capitalism has generally won over communism
People getting their feelings of self-esteem elsewhere
Internet allows easy escapism
General ease of entertainment means less focus on finding meaning in work
Reputations less linked to friends and neighbours – less social pressure
Non-conformism being an ideal
Families being less unified – less experience of cooperation
Different strengths of unions
Religious ties
Experience of cooperation from religious upbringing
Cooperation seen as a key virtue in the past
Culture was more implicit, less explicit – does implicit perform better?
More homogenous population
More people now in cities, less local knowledge of individuals
Increased partisanship
More anti-heroes in culture – ok to succeed by being bad?