The tale of Hodja Nasreddin by Leonid Solovyov, translated into English and available on Amazon. Based on folk tales. A story about a man who falls in love, saves people from being sold into slavery, rehabilitates the Thief of Baghdad and never ever surrenders, no matter the odds.
I second this one, I read the original, it is great.
The first book was written before author’s 8 years bout in GULAG, and the second after. How this influenced the difference between the books is left as an exercise for the reader. :-)
Why, it made the second part grow into its full potential. Consider Hodja finding his own greatest belief. I always regretted there are only two books:)
The tale of Hodja Nasreddin by Leonid Solovyov, translated into English and available on Amazon. Based on folk tales. A story about a man who falls in love, saves people from being sold into slavery, rehabilitates the Thief of Baghdad and never ever surrenders, no matter the odds.
And he said he’d live forever.
And there’s a Beast called Cat in it.
I second this one, I read the original, it is great.
The first book was written before author’s 8 years bout in GULAG, and the second after. How this influenced the difference between the books is left as an exercise for the reader. :-)
Why, it made the second part grow into its full potential. Consider Hodja finding his own greatest belief. I always regretted there are only two books:)
Do you have a link to the translation? In amazon maybe?
Disturber of the Peace
And the Enchanted Prince can be found under the same author.