I’m also interested in body doubling for adhd and coworking. idk what the schelling point should be to talk about how to find such things, but hey, here’s one.
Body-doubling needs to be asymmetrical for me, so it’s not much of a coordination problem. I’ve largely just been finding socially competent grad students who need to do computer work all day anyway, and then paying them minimum wage to do that while sitting next to me, and then also I use about 20% of the time rubber duck debugging with them. (This seems to be a strong win-win, they often say that they are more productive during the sessions.)
I’m also interested in body doubling for adhd and coworking. idk what the schelling point should be to talk about how to find such things, but hey, here’s one.
Body-doubling needs to be asymmetrical for me, so it’s not much of a coordination problem. I’ve largely just been finding socially competent grad students who need to do computer work all day anyway, and then paying them minimum wage to do that while sitting next to me, and then also I use about 20% of the time rubber duck debugging with them. (This seems to be a strong win-win, they often say that they are more productive during the sessions.)