“—if you walk through a tropical rainforest, you don’t see that much fighting—it all seems rather peaceful most of the time. Nature really likes cooperation.”
It might look peaceful on the Discovery Channel, but have you ever walked in a real tropical rainforest? Everything has spikes, everything is poisonous, almost anything that moves will fight or flee at first sight—everything but the very largest and most dangerous things. It’s not the organized warfare of humans, but rather a cosmic, bloody, free-for-all, with survival and replication the only criterion for success. Evolution is not only a Blind Idiot God, but also a very harsh and unsympathetic mistress.
It might look peaceful on the Discovery Channel, but have you ever walked in a real tropical rainforest? Everything has spikes, everything is poisonous, almost anything that moves will fight or flee at first sight—everything but the very largest and most dangerous things. It’s not the organized warfare of humans, but rather a cosmic, bloody, free-for-all, with survival and replication the only criterion for success. Evolution is not only a Blind Idiot God, but also a very harsh and unsympathetic mistress.