I find Lumifer, despite being abrasive, cynical and sarcastic, quite entertaining and enlightening at times :)
Or maybe even because he is abrasive and sarcastic...
Ahah, I think so :)
It reminds me of a story I heard: apparently in the Chinese culture there’s not a big tradition of thanking someone for their services, so that a guy that thanked the waiter for every course got renamed ‘Xie xie xiaosheng’, Mr Thank you.
Ah, on the contrary I’ve never thought Lumifer could be a she, maybe because of a personal sexist bias or vague reminiscence from high-school Latin that a female Lumifer would be a Lumifera?
I find Lumifer, despite being abrasive, cynical and sarcastic, quite entertaining and enlightening at times :) Or maybe even because he is abrasive and sarcastic...
I don’t think Lumifer quite counts as “low profile” or “not among top users”.
Sorry, I totally missed that part. You’re right of course. Retracted.
No problem; an easy mistake to make. Well done for retracting so graciously. (Am I being positive enough?)
Ahah, I think so :) It reminds me of a story I heard: apparently in the Chinese culture there’s not a big tradition of thanking someone for their services, so that a guy that thanked the waiter for every course got renamed ‘Xie xie xiaosheng’, Mr Thank you.
For some reason my brain keeps insisting that Lumifer is not a “he”, but I don’t know why.
Ah, on the contrary I’ve never thought Lumifer could be a she, maybe because of a personal sexist bias or vague reminiscence from high-school Latin that a female Lumifer would be a Lumifera?