Getting Things Done: +8. Note that GTD includes variants of some of the other techniques here.
Collaboration with Others: +7. Pair programming in particular, but pairing on any non-trivial tasks. It’s really tempting to think that you’re wasting time when pairing, but the available evidence supports my considered opinion that more time is saved than lost.
No Multitasking (variant): +6.Vladimir Golovin’s “One, maximum two tasks per day” would break me (too many small tasks required by my job). I mean breaking tasks up until they’re small enough that I have a good chance of getting them done before the next unpostponable interruption arrives and working on only one task until it’s done.
The Caffein Nap: +8. This is awesome when you’re struggling to stay awake to get through a less engaging task.
General effectiveness hacks that make it easier to resist akrasia:
Meditation: +5. (With low confidence) Mindfullness meditation helps train my ability to concentrate.
Dual-n-back training: +5. As Meditation (also with low confidence), dual-n-back improves focus after training. (I’m in awe of erm and > dual-9-back).
Get More Sleep: +4. This is a terrible waste. I’d love to experiment with polyphasic sleep but am unwilling to pay the social cost.
Straight akrasia hacks:
Getting Things Done: +8. Note that GTD includes variants of some of the other techniques here.
Collaboration with Others: +7. Pair programming in particular, but pairing on any non-trivial tasks. It’s really tempting to think that you’re wasting time when pairing, but the available evidence supports my considered opinion that more time is saved than lost.
No Multitasking (variant): +6. Vladimir Golovin’s “One, maximum two tasks per day” would break me (too many small tasks required by my job). I mean breaking tasks up until they’re small enough that I have a good chance of getting them done before the next unpostponable interruption arrives and working on only one task until it’s done.
The Caffein Nap: +8. This is awesome when you’re struggling to stay awake to get through a less engaging task.
General effectiveness hacks that make it easier to resist akrasia:
Meditation: +5. (With low confidence) Mindfullness meditation helps train my ability to concentrate.
Dual-n-back training: +5. As Meditation (also with low confidence), dual-n-back improves focus after training. (I’m in awe of erm and > dual-9-back).
Get More Sleep: +4. This is a terrible waste. I’d love to experiment with polyphasic sleep but am unwilling to pay the social cost.
Regular Exercise: +3.