Regrettably, I happened upon much of what I’ve read haphazardly, and I am not (personally) aware of specific resources in the rationalist tradition.
I will link you to two sites that I can quickly recall—but I would recommend reading them in order to build your own intuitive framework about autism—not with the rigor I would expect of more rationalism-adjacent blogs (i.e., they are aimed at the general internet audience).
Regrettably, I happened upon much of what I’ve read haphazardly, and I am not (personally) aware of specific resources in the rationalist tradition.
I will link you to two sites that I can quickly recall—but I would recommend reading them in order to build your own intuitive framework about autism—not with the rigor I would expect of more rationalism-adjacent blogs (i.e., they are aimed at the general internet audience).
“Monotropism,” a trait that may characterize autism
“The Double Empathy Problem”