Of course, if Clippy were clever he would then offer to sell SIAI a commitment to never release the UFAI in exchange for a commitment to produce a fixed number of paperclips per year, in perpetuity.
Admittedly, his mastery of human signaling probably isn’t nuanced enough to prevent that from sounding like blackmail.
Rather more public than a long forgotten counterfactual discussion collecting dust in the blog’s history books would be. :P
Precisely. The place to hide a needle is in a large stack of needles.
The choice here was between “bad” and “worse”—a trolley problem, a lose-lose hypothetical—and they appear to have chosen “worse”.
I prefer to outsource my needle-keeping security to Clippy in exchange for allowing certain ‘bending’ liberties from time to time. :)
Upvoted for LOL value. We’ll tell Clippy the terrible, no good, very bad idea with reasons as to why this would hamper the production of paperclips.
“Hi! I see you’ve accidentally the whole uFAI! Would you like help turning it into paperclips?”
Frankly, Clippy would be better than the Forbidden Idea. At least Clippy just wants paperclips.
Of course, if Clippy were clever he would then offer to sell SIAI a commitment to never release the UFAI in exchange for a commitment to produce a fixed number of paperclips per year, in perpetuity.
Admittedly, his mastery of human signaling probably isn’t nuanced enough to prevent that from sounding like blackmail.