That Yudkowsky claims that they are working for the benefit of humanity doesn’t mean it is true. Surely I’d write that and many articles and papers that make it appear this way, if I wanted to shape the future to my liking.
Better yet, you could use a kind of doublethink—and then even actually mean it. Here is W. D. Hamilton on that topic:
A world where everyone else has been persuaded to be altruistic is a good one to live in from the point of view of pursuing our own selfish ends. This hypocracy is even more convincing if we don’t admit it even in our thoughts—if only on our death beds, so to speak, we change our wills back to favour the carriers of our own genes.
Discriminating Nepotism—as reprinted in: Narrow Roads of Gene Land, Volume 2 Evolution of Sex, p.356.
Better yet, you could use a kind of doublethink—and then even actually mean it. Here is W. D. Hamilton on that topic:
Discriminating Nepotism—as reprinted in: Narrow Roads of Gene Land, Volume 2 Evolution of Sex, p.356.