Suddenly I have a mental image of “The Lord of the Rings: The Methods of Rationality.”
Someone should write that (with a better title). We could have a whole genre of rational fanfiction.
Agreed; Lord of the Rings seems like a natural candidate for discussing AI and related topics.
I’d also like to see His Dark Materials with rationalist!Lyra. The girl had an alethiometer. She should have kicked way more ass than she did as soon as she realized what she had.
Suddenly I have a mental image of “The Lord of the Rings: The Methods of Rationality.”
Someone should write that (with a better title). We could have a whole genre of rational fanfiction.
Agreed; Lord of the Rings seems like a natural candidate for discussing AI and related topics.
I’d also like to see His Dark Materials with rationalist!Lyra. The girl had an alethiometer. She should have kicked way more ass than she did as soon as she realized what she had.