Given that they predominantly care about things I don’t care about, and that I predominantly care about things they don’t worry about, we can only consider each other to be moral monsters.
Ethical egoists are surely used to this situation, though. The world is full of people who care about extremely different things from one another.
Yes. And if they both mostly care about modest-sized predictable things, then they can do some rational bargaining. Trouble arises when one or more of them has exquisitely fragile values—when they believe that switching a donation from one charity to another destroys galaxies.
I expect your decision algorithm will find a way to deal with people who won’t negotiate on some topics—or who behave in manner you have a hard time predicting. Some trouble for you, maybe—but probably not THE END OF THE WORLD.
Ethical egoists are surely used to this situation, though. The world is full of people who care about extremely different things from one another.
Yes. And if they both mostly care about modest-sized predictable things, then they can do some rational bargaining. Trouble arises when one or more of them has exquisitely fragile values—when they believe that switching a donation from one charity to another destroys galaxies.
I expect your decision algorithm will find a way to deal with people who won’t negotiate on some topics—or who behave in manner you have a hard time predicting. Some trouble for you, maybe—but probably not THE END OF THE WORLD.