Then I guess I’ll be asked to leave the lesswrong site.
Don’t let Eliezer to provoke you like that. Obviously just reposting comments would be a waste of time and would just get more of the same. The legitimate purposes of your script are:
Ensure that you don’t miss out on content.
Allow you to inform other interested people of said content (outside of the LessWrong system).
Make it possible for you to make observations along the lines of “there has been a comment censored here”.
Don’t let Eliezer to provoke you like that. Obviously just reposting comments would be a waste of time and would just get more of the same. The legitimate purposes of your script are:
Ensure that you don’t miss out on content.
Allow you to inform other interested people of said content (outside of the LessWrong system).
Make it possible for you to make observations along the lines of “there has been a comment censored here”.
I’ll note that the policy didn’t restrict itself to comments reposted here.
Admittedly, Internet anonymity being what it is, it’s an unenforceable policy outside of LessWrong unless the policy-violator chooses to cop to it.