A real-life example that people might accept the danger of would be the 2008 DNS flaw discovered by Dan Kaminsky—he discovered something really scary for the Internet and promptly assembled a DNS Cabal to handle it.
And, of course, it leaked before a fix was in place. But the delay did, they think, mitigate damage.
Note that the solution had to be in place very quickly indeed, because Kaminsky assumed that if he could find it, others could. Always assume you aren’t the only person in the whole world smart enough to find the flaw.
A real-life example that people might accept the danger of would be the 2008 DNS flaw discovered by Dan Kaminsky—he discovered something really scary for the Internet and promptly assembled a DNS Cabal to handle it.
And, of course, it leaked before a fix was in place. But the delay did, they think, mitigate damage.
Note that the solution had to be in place very quickly indeed, because Kaminsky assumed that if he could find it, others could. Always assume you aren’t the only person in the whole world smart enough to find the flaw.