My intuition finds putting my current location as the top of the globe most natural. Like, on google earth, navigate to where you are, zoom out until you can see space, then in the bottom right open the compass popover and set tilt to 90; Then change heading to look at different angles. Matching down on the image to down IRL feels really natural.
I’ve also been playing with making a KML generator that, given a location (as latlong), will draw a “relative latlong” lines grid, labeled with the angle you need to point down to point at a given relative latitude.
(Please downvote this post if I should have waited to post the results of the work itself. I mean, this is entirely for fun, which the laser-focused-scientist-in-training in me could see being a waste of others’ attention. It certainly might be a waste of mine.)
My intuition finds putting my current location as the top of the globe most natural. Like, on google earth, navigate to where you are, zoom out until you can see space, then in the bottom right open the compass popover and set tilt to 90; Then change heading to look at different angles. Matching down on the image to down IRL feels really natural.
I’ve also been playing with making a KML generator that, given a location (as latlong), will draw a “relative latlong” lines grid, labeled with the angle you need to point down to point at a given relative latitude.
(Please downvote this post if I should have waited to post the results of the work itself. I mean, this is entirely for fun, which the laser-focused-scientist-in-training in me could see being a waste of others’ attention. It certainly might be a waste of mine.)