Valence Discovery: graph NNs, advanced chem models. Valence Discovery is a research group focusing on advanced chemical modeling. We don’t have full strength general agent AI to plug into this quite yet, and certainly not safe reinforcement learning, but work like theirs has thoroughly eclipsed human capabilities in understanding chemicals. as long as we can use narrow ai to prevent general AI from destroying the cooperation network between beings, I think work like this has the potential to give the world every single goal of transhumanism: post scarcity, molecular assemblers, life extension, full bodily autonomy and morphological freedom, the full lot should be accessible. It’ll take a bit longer to get to that level, but the research trajectory continues to look promising and these models haven’t been scaled as much as language models.
Valence Discovery: graph NNs, advanced chem models. Valence Discovery is a research group focusing on advanced chemical modeling. We don’t have full strength general agent AI to plug into this quite yet, and certainly not safe reinforcement learning, but work like theirs has thoroughly eclipsed human capabilities in understanding chemicals. as long as we can use narrow ai to prevent general AI from destroying the cooperation network between beings, I think work like this has the potential to give the world every single goal of transhumanism: post scarcity, molecular assemblers, life extension, full bodily autonomy and morphological freedom, the full lot should be accessible. It’ll take a bit longer to get to that level, but the research trajectory continues to look promising and these models haven’t been scaled as much as language models.