Yannic Kilcher: paper explanations, capability news. Yannic is the machine learning youtuber. 129k subscribers, every one of whom has published 200 papers on machine learning (I kid). Has some of the most in depth and also broad paper explanations, with detailed drawings of his understanding of the paper. Great for getting a sense of how to read a machine learning paper. his paper choices are top notch and his ML news videos have really great capabilities news. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew
Yannic Kilcher: paper explanations, capability news. Yannic is the machine learning youtuber. 129k subscribers, every one of whom has published 200 papers on machine learning (I kid). Has some of the most in depth and also broad paper explanations, with detailed drawings of his understanding of the paper. Great for getting a sense of how to read a machine learning paper. his paper choices are top notch and his ML news videos have really great capabilities news. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew