I would like to pronounce to one and all that I am now and always will be my own team. Other people or teams thereof may be considered allies of my team and warrant reciprocation when that they agree with me or, while disagreeing, do so respectfully.
My team hereby places itself in opposition to all attempts to formalize party systems or official groupings transient or otherwise. Human instincts provide this by default and such dynamics are evident and healthily so on LessWrong.com already.
The system I proposed wasn’t for lesswrong. It was for the hypothetical place where no argument can be left unanswered.
You don’t like teams I get it. Feel free to suggest a system that encourages people to counter all points they don’t agree with, with the following properties
1) Doesn’t create too much noise
2) Allows people to see all current open points that they may be interested in countering, i.e. serves the equivalent purpose of replies in lesswrong, but also allows people to see other peoples relevant orphaned arguments.
I would like to pronounce to one and all that I am now and always will be my own team. Other people or teams thereof may be considered allies of my team and warrant reciprocation when that they agree with me or, while disagreeing, do so respectfully.
My team hereby places itself in opposition to all attempts to formalize party systems or official groupings transient or otherwise. Human instincts provide this by default and such dynamics are evident and healthily so on LessWrong.com already.
The system I proposed wasn’t for lesswrong. It was for the hypothetical place where no argument can be left unanswered.
You don’t like teams I get it. Feel free to suggest a system that encourages people to counter all points they don’t agree with, with the following properties
1) Doesn’t create too much noise
2) Allows people to see all current open points that they may be interested in countering, i.e. serves the equivalent purpose of replies in lesswrong, but also allows people to see other peoples relevant orphaned arguments.
3) Doesn’t require too much time.