Well, in that case, what I conjecture is simply that either this (your university classes) took place a while ago, or your lecturers formed their opinions a while ago and didn’t keep up with developments, or both.
“Use sans-serif fonts for screen” made sense. Once. When most people had 72ppi displays (if not lower), and no anti-aliasing, or subpixel rendering.
They were lecturers in what subject? Design / typography / etc.? Or, some unrelated subject?
Unrelated subjects (insofar as webdesign is classified as unrelated).
Well, in that case, what I conjecture is simply that either this (your university classes) took place a while ago, or your lecturers formed their opinions a while ago and didn’t keep up with developments, or both.
“Use sans-serif fonts for screen” made sense. Once. When most people had 72ppi displays (if not lower), and no anti-aliasing, or subpixel rendering.
None of that has been true for many, many years.
I am currently in my fourth year.
I have expressed this sentiment myself, so it is plausible.