I may, at some point, and for other reasons. Lets say, if I were to start drinking some rather foul-tasting protein or something—it would be nice to potentially taste less of that. But, in general, deliberately and severely impairing my ability to taste the things I like for about two weeks, only to be able to taste in that way for a meal or two post-recovery is probably not the sort of tradeoff that I’d find myself making regularly.
I may, at some point, and for other reasons. Lets say, if I were to start drinking some rather foul-tasting protein or something—it would be nice to potentially taste less of that. But, in general, deliberately and severely impairing my ability to taste the things I like for about two weeks, only to be able to taste in that way for a meal or two post-recovery is probably not the sort of tradeoff that I’d find myself making regularly.