I think a little more formal definition of “describable” and “summarizable” would help me understand. I start with a belief that any world is it’s own best model, so I don’t think worlds are describable in full I may be wrong—world-descriptions may compress incredibly well, and it’s possible to describe a world IN ANOTHER WORLD. but fully describing a world inside a subset of that world itself cannot be done.
“summarizable” is more interesting. If it just means “a trustworthy valuation”, then fine—it’s possible, and devolves to “is there any such thing as a trustworthy summarizer”. If it means some other subset of a description, then it may or may not be possible.
Thinking about other domains, a proof is a summary of (an aspect of) a formal system. It provides a different level of information than is contained in the base axioms. Can we model “summary” of the suffering level/ratio/hellishness of a world in the same terms. It’s not about trusting the agent, it’s about the agent finding the subset of information about the world that shows us that the result is true.
I think a little more formal definition of “describable” and “summarizable” would help me understand. I start with a belief that any world is it’s own best model, so I don’t think worlds are describable in full I may be wrong—world-descriptions may compress incredibly well, and it’s possible to describe a world IN ANOTHER WORLD. but fully describing a world inside a subset of that world itself cannot be done.
“summarizable” is more interesting. If it just means “a trustworthy valuation”, then fine—it’s possible, and devolves to “is there any such thing as a trustworthy summarizer”. If it means some other subset of a description, then it may or may not be possible.
Thinking about other domains, a proof is a summary of (an aspect of) a formal system. It provides a different level of information than is contained in the base axioms. Can we model “summary” of the suffering level/ratio/hellishness of a world in the same terms. It’s not about trusting the agent, it’s about the agent finding the subset of information about the world that shows us that the result is true.