Gowder did not say what he meant by “utilitarianism”. Does utilitarianism say...
That right actions are strictly determined by good consequences?
That praiseworthy actions depend on justifiable expectations of good consequences?
That probabilities of consequences should normatively be discounted by their probability, so that a 50% probability of something bad should weigh exactly half as much in our tradeoffs?
That virtuous actions always correspond to maximizing expected utility under some utility function?
That two harmful events are worse than one?
That two independent occurrences of a harm (not to the same person, not interacting with each other) are exactly twice as bad as one?
That for any two harms A and B, with A much worse than B, there exists some tiny probability such that gambling on this probability of A is preferable to a certainty of B?
Not Gowder, but another one for the list: ” Precedent Utilitarians believe that when a person compares possible actions in a specific situation, the comparative merit of each action is most accurately approximated by estimating the net probable gain in utility for all concerned from the consequences of the action, taking into account both the precedent set by the action, and the risk or uncertainty due to imperfect information. “ source
Not Gowder, but another one for the list:
” Precedent Utilitarians believe that when a person compares possible actions in a specific situation, the comparative merit of each action is most accurately approximated by estimating the net probable gain in utility for all concerned from the consequences of the action, taking into account both the precedent set by the action, and the risk or uncertainty due to imperfect information. “