I made a mistake trying to defend postcolonial theory here, it’s just not my area of expertise. Whether it’s valid or not, I can’t defend it well. But we do seem to be on the same page that it’s falsifiable.
However, I do have a substantial beef with your beefs with feminism.
That’s merely an empirical observation.
Come on… Things falling to the ground is an empirical observation, gravity is the theory.
That’s a normative statement about what should be
No, it’s a prediction. If the gender representation gap spontaneously solved itself without any evident adoption of feminist attitudes that would be a strike against feminism as a theory.
Can you be a bit more precise about these relationships? Also, does the feminist theory predict or does it say that’s what it sees?
Predicts; It observed it then it continued to be true so it’s not overfitting
Off the top of my head I’d say I have at least two issues with feminism. The first is that it loves to tell other people what they should think, feel, and value. Science is not normative and feminism is—that makes it closer to preaching than to science.
It has a normative and an empirical element. An organization like GiveWell empirically assesses charities then makes normative recommendations based on a particular version of utilitarianism. Feminism assesses institutions and makes recommendations.
The second is that I am not sure why feminism (as an academic discipline) exists. I understand that historically there was the movement of “these not-quite-yet-dead white men in the social studies departments don’t understand us and don’t do things we find important, so fuck’em—we’ll set up our own department”. That’s fine, but first that’s not true any more, and second, that’s an office-politics argument for the administrative structure of a university, not reason for a whole new science to come into existence. What exactly is feminism doing that’s not covered by sociology + political studies + cultural studies?
Most of what feminism does in influence other fields. Gender studies departments exist some places and not other, but it’s influence is pervasive in academia. I think this is a misinformed criticism.
In another post you called feminism “a project dedicated to changing certain policies and cultural attitudes”. I like this definition, it makes a lot of sense to me.
However the implication is that feminism is neither a science nor even a field of study. Recall that the original question was feminism (gender studies) in academia. You said
Postcolonial theory and gender theory make a hell-of-a-lot of sense. They’re crowning accomplishments of their fields, or define fields.
I’m fine with treating feminism as a socio-cultural movement based on a certain set of values. But then it’s not an academic theory which is a crowning accomplishment of a field of study.
It’s both scholarly field and social movement. And scholars involved in it may be involved in one or both elements.
Feminism is a HUGE tent. It provides a framework for everyone from economists studying what factors drive labor participation rates among women to judges ruling on a case of sexual harassment to a film critic analyzing a character. There are probably tens of thousands of academics alone (forget lawyers, legislators, lobbyists and journalists) who would say feminism influences their work. This includes many who are very quantitative and empirical.
What does this “scholarly field” study that is not covered by the usual social sciences? And, given that we are on LW, how prevalent do you think is motivated cognition in this field of study?
Feminism is a HUGE tent.
What covers everything covers nothing.
How would you define feminism—in a useful way, specifying what kind of a thing is it and how it’s different from other similar things?
This is getting very Socratic. I don’t know what your assumptions are or what would satisfy you as a definition and it is beginning to get frustrating to figure out, but I think these two links are pretty good.
As for motivated cognition, of course it’s present, as it is virtually everywhere in life and academia. Do you have a more specific case?
Remember that though the humanities and softer social sciences have all sorts of flaws that are easy to make fun of, they don’t submit grants for $100 million dollar construction projects with stated goals they know to be totally unachievable (I’m looking at you local university particle accelerator). Don’t condemn the field just by its sins.
As for motivated cognition, of course it’s present, as it is virtually everywhere in life and academia
Don’t you think that being both a field of study and a social movement aiming to change prevalent values and social structures offers especially rich opportunities for motivated cognition? Compared to the baseline of life and academia average?
they don’t submit grants for $100 million dollar construction project
That’s peanuts. When social scientists fuck things up, the cost is in millions of human lives. Exhibit A: Karl Marx.
Don’t condemn the field just by its sins.
Well, the problem is that I don’t think it’s a field of study at all. I think it is, as you said, a project to change the society.
I made a mistake trying to defend postcolonial theory here, it’s just not my area of expertise. Whether it’s valid or not, I can’t defend it well. But we do seem to be on the same page that it’s falsifiable.
However, I do have a substantial beef with your beefs with feminism.
Come on… Things falling to the ground is an empirical observation, gravity is the theory.
No, it’s a prediction. If the gender representation gap spontaneously solved itself without any evident adoption of feminist attitudes that would be a strike against feminism as a theory.
Predicts; It observed it then it continued to be true so it’s not overfitting
It has a normative and an empirical element. An organization like GiveWell empirically assesses charities then makes normative recommendations based on a particular version of utilitarianism. Feminism assesses institutions and makes recommendations.
Most of what feminism does in influence other fields. Gender studies departments exist some places and not other, but it’s influence is pervasive in academia. I think this is a misinformed criticism.
In another post you called feminism “a project dedicated to changing certain policies and cultural attitudes”. I like this definition, it makes a lot of sense to me.
However the implication is that feminism is neither a science nor even a field of study. Recall that the original question was feminism (gender studies) in academia. You said
I’m fine with treating feminism as a socio-cultural movement based on a certain set of values. But then it’s not an academic theory which is a crowning accomplishment of a field of study.
It’s both scholarly field and social movement. And scholars involved in it may be involved in one or both elements.
Feminism is a HUGE tent. It provides a framework for everyone from economists studying what factors drive labor participation rates among women to judges ruling on a case of sexual harassment to a film critic analyzing a character. There are probably tens of thousands of academics alone (forget lawyers, legislators, lobbyists and journalists) who would say feminism influences their work. This includes many who are very quantitative and empirical.
What does this “scholarly field” study that is not covered by the usual social sciences? And, given that we are on LW, how prevalent do you think is motivated cognition in this field of study?
What covers everything covers nothing.
How would you define feminism—in a useful way, specifying what kind of a thing is it and how it’s different from other similar things?
This is getting very Socratic. I don’t know what your assumptions are or what would satisfy you as a definition and it is beginning to get frustrating to figure out, but I think these two links are pretty good.
As for motivated cognition, of course it’s present, as it is virtually everywhere in life and academia. Do you have a more specific case?
Remember that though the humanities and softer social sciences have all sorts of flaws that are easy to make fun of, they don’t submit grants for $100 million dollar construction projects with stated goals they know to be totally unachievable (I’m looking at you local university particle accelerator). Don’t condemn the field just by its sins.
Don’t you think that being both a field of study and a social movement aiming to change prevalent values and social structures offers especially rich opportunities for motivated cognition? Compared to the baseline of life and academia average?
That’s peanuts. When social scientists fuck things up, the cost is in millions of human lives. Exhibit A: Karl Marx.
Well, the problem is that I don’t think it’s a field of study at all. I think it is, as you said, a project to change the society.