I’ve posted elsewhere that I’m applying for work in Alameda, CA. At the moment, I’m not at the top of the list to get the job but I’m still in the running, so, before any further interviews occur, I decided I’d ask this.
Do any LWers live or work in Alameda? Given our strong connection to the Bay Area, I’m assuming at least a few people are from the island. I’d especially be interested in talking to anyone working at the library(ies) there. I’d like to get an idea of Alameda from an LWer’s perspective. If it’s a good place to live, work.
Also, if things end up going well, I’m hoping to find a roommate. There are few places I’d prefer to look than here. For now, though, I’m just hoping to get an idea of Alameda from the LessWrong view.
LessWrong in Alameda:
I’ve posted elsewhere that I’m applying for work in Alameda, CA. At the moment, I’m not at the top of the list to get the job but I’m still in the running, so, before any further interviews occur, I decided I’d ask this.
Do any LWers live or work in Alameda? Given our strong connection to the Bay Area, I’m assuming at least a few people are from the island. I’d especially be interested in talking to anyone working at the library(ies) there. I’d like to get an idea of Alameda from an LWer’s perspective. If it’s a good place to live, work.
Also, if things end up going well, I’m hoping to find a roommate. There are few places I’d prefer to look than here. For now, though, I’m just hoping to get an idea of Alameda from the LessWrong view.