Interesting. Looks like they are starting with a deep tunnel (530 m) and may eventually move to the deepest tunnel in Europe (1444 m). I wish I could find numbers on how much weight will be moved or the total energy storage of the system. (They say quote 2 MW, but that’s power, not energy—how many MWh?)
According to this article, a Swiss company is building giant gravity storage buildings in China and out of 9 total buildings, there should be a total storage of 3700 MWh, which seems quite good! Would love to know more about the technology.
Interesting. Looks like they are starting with a deep tunnel (530 m) and may eventually move to the deepest tunnel in Europe (1444 m). I wish I could find numbers on how much weight will be moved or the total energy storage of the system. (They say quote 2 MW, but that’s power, not energy—how many MWh?)
According to this article, a Swiss company is building giant gravity storage buildings in China and out of 9 total buildings, there should be a total storage of 3700 MWh, which seems quite good! Would love to know more about the technology.