Upvoted for reccommending Ligeti! I’m working on a thesis about Ligeti for my degree in composition, he’s a marvellous composer.
If I may offer one slight correction: Ligeti’s Etudes aren’t 12-tone compositions; they’re atonal, but written according to rules of his own devising rather than using the rows and permutations of 12-tone/serialist music. I don’t think he wrote any serialist works after he left Hungary.
That said, I haven’t examined all of the etudes in detail so I could be wrong.
Upvoted for reccommending Ligeti! I’m working on a thesis about Ligeti for my degree in composition, he’s a marvellous composer.
If I may offer one slight correction: Ligeti’s Etudes aren’t 12-tone compositions; they’re atonal, but written according to rules of his own devising rather than using the rows and permutations of 12-tone/serialist music. I don’t think he wrote any serialist works after he left Hungary.
That said, I haven’t examined all of the etudes in detail so I could be wrong.